Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Super Bowl watching for me

I'm not one of those who will be glued to the TV set next Sunday watching Super Bowl XLV.  No sports for me.   As such there is little for me to watch on TV,  and such Sunday afternoons get boring.  Even though the game isn't till next week, I'm getting that same boring feeling this Sunday as my TV viewing options remain limited today.   I'm thus left trying to write a blog entry for today with not much to say on this matter.

I do know for certain that I should get groceries bough before next Sunday to avoid the Super Bowl Sunday crowds at the stores next Sunday.  I mean they act like it's Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve on that day, waiting till that day to get beer, chips and whatever else they need for their Super Bowl party.  But there could also be some customers who unfortunately ran out of milk or toilet paper that morning and who  don't have a mimi-mart, liquor store or grocery store near their homes so that have to run all the way to Safeway and fight the Super Bowl party crowd.   

So what can I do next Sunday?  Hope to get a Netflix movie at the end of next week and keep it until Sunday for viewing then.  Try to come up with a papier mache project to work on and perhaps get an inventory to start selling on Etsy. I've already signed up for an Etsy account and have some other things I already made that I could try selling.  Find something to read.  Going to try to come up with something before then. 

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