Friday, February 25, 2011

Let it Snow?

I'm from California so snow is something I have never seen.  Only in the mountains does it snow and I have never gone to the mountains.   I just briefly saw some snow when I visited my aunt in Idaho in the early 1980s.  

But now it is has been going around that snow is heading towards San Francisco.   I live in Hollister, about 100 miles south of SF.  My mom told me that it once snowed in Hollister in the 1960s.  I seem to remember her showing me a photo of snow in Hollister in the '60s.   This link gives a record of snow in San Francisco.  The last time is snowed in Sf was 35 years ago, in 1976.

If the snow proves to be true, I'll certainly be taking some pictures since snow is something that I have never experienced in my home town.  It will be exciting to see it.   

If I ever move from California to somewhere  that regularly snows it will be quite an adjustment.  I will have to get used to colder winter weather than I'm used to. At same time, I'll would be having a white Christmas, something I never have where I am.  There have been many wet Christmases in my lifetime however.  We may not have snowy Decembers, but many of them have been rainy.  This past Christmas Day, for instance, was hit by rain. 

As of today no snow has fallen in SF, but some fell in nearby Marin.  The snow in Marin only lasted five minutes, however.  None has reached my town either and I will not be keeping my hopes up to see it snow here.  But if it happens, it happens, and I will enjoy as much of it as I can should it be true.   

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