Friday, December 25, 2015

Title Fight Reading Challenge 2016!

This one tempted me.  I'm not into boxing or sports in general, but the idea still seemed interesting. Only seven books are needed, so it won't take long.  Sign up here.

Title Fight Button 2016

* The Challenge will run from January 1st to December 31, 2016.
* Challengees must read at least one book from each category (listed below). Challengees must read a DIFFERENT book for each category – even if your book title might fit a number of categories, it will only count towards a single category. Challengees are free to choose which category best suits.
* Books selected can be from any genre and aimed at any age group. Picture books, anthologies, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks are all okay to include.
* The categories listed are a loose guide and creative interpretation of the categories is not only encouraged, but applauded.
* Challengees should link their reviews/progress under the relevant linky lists on this page. If you don’t have a blog, you could link to your Goodreads shelf/reviews, or simply comment on this page as you go.


1. A book with something related to fighting in the title (eg: Battle Bunny, The Great Snape Debate, The Tale of the Duelling Neurosurgeons)
War and Peace--Leo Tolstoy

2. A book with someone’s title in the title: (eg: Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, Dr Jekkyl and Mr Hyde, To Sir with Love)  
Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow--Peter Hoeg

3. A book with onomatopoeia in the title (eg: Kung Pow Chicken, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Cloud Busting)
Hiss of Death--Rita Mae Brown

4. A book with an object you might find in a boxing gym in the title (eg: The Cat on the Mat is Flat, Bag of Bones, Smoke and Mirrors)  
Red Glove--Holly Black

5. A book with an injury (or a word related to or implying an injury) in the title (eg: Heart-Shaped Bruise, These Broken Stars, Scarface Claw)  
Broken--Megan Hart

6. A book with an emotion in the title (eg: Bear Feels Scared, Road Rage, Pride and Prejudice)
Hope in a Jar--Beth Barbison

7. A book with a word or phrase implying victory in the title (eg: How to Win Friends and Influence People, Danny the Champion of the World, Curious George Gets a Medal)
Devil's Prize--Kat Martin
Challenge completed on March 13


  1. Hi!! I wanted to let you know the wrap up and giveaway has been posted for the Dystopia Reading Challenge! You can check it out HERE! I hope you met your goal!!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  2. Guess we'll be in a lot of the same challenges this year, Jamie. I mentioned your blog in my 2015 End of Year Survey. =)

  3. Congrats on finishing the Title Fight Challenge! I just finished up too.
