Sunday, August 20, 2017

More Assemblages

Last week and again this week the art class at work is doing assemblages.  We got a new client coming to the center last month and when I showed him the pictures of the one I had done at home and the one I did for the class  at work, he joked, "I wish I could go back in time," meaning he wished he'd been around to do the project.  Well, even if you can't go back in time, you can do the project again.  So I told this to my boss, the center coordinator, and she said it would be fine.   I had been   collecting game pieces, blocks and such in hopes doing one of these projects at home, but never have got round to doing so.  Even so, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for the class.  But here is what I ended up doing:

All these game pieces were mounted on a corkboard that was a last-minute purchase at Goodwill before work last Monday morning.  Here is what it looked like:

Unlike last time, when others wishing to participate brought stuff for a theme or scene they'd wanted to create, many of them weren't prepared this time.  But then I got an idea so the others would have something to do.

I had so many of the blocks, more than I was sure I'd be using, so I let the others use the blocks and game pieces and other stuff I'd brought (including wiggly eyes, drink umbrellas, ping-pong balls and an old thread spool) and brought out stuff we have at the center such as glass gems, sea shells, beads and paint.  I had remembered seeing this online (I couldn't copy the image so I am linking it).

My suggestion was to use the blocks and other stuff to create a creature or a robot of some sort. When I finished my piece above last Wednesday, I decided to make something out of the blocks.   Here is what I did:

I offered to leave my stuff at the center so we would have something for art this week. Nothing was planned ahead of time for the coming week. This will give those who've already done one of these a chance to do another, if they wish, and those who didn't do one last week will get to do one this week if they choose.  I have some more stuff I am taking to use. Will let you know what I am doing this week once it's done.


  1. BRILLIANT. That would be so much fun, and has so much potential for personal meaning to be explored as well.

  2. This looks like so much fun to create! Great job!

  3. Love the blocks robot. And the games pieces assemblage looks like all sorts of fun.
