Monday, May 14, 2018

Still Trying to Come to the End

I wrote another chapter in my diary novel over the weekend and am still trying to decide how to end the story for now.  As I've said in previous blogposts, I have some ideas for the character, but don't want to cram all of them into one book, so I plan to set the other ideas aside for another possible book. I know, that's thinking too far ahead, but the other ideas I have in mind for the protagonist are completely different from what I have been presenting in the current work.

I have got an idea in mind for the end of the WIP, but am still wondering how many more chapters and details to include before reaching the end. And I'm wondering what the average word length is for diary-based novels. I currently have 86 typed pages and wonder if that will be enough for a short fiction book. But does the number really matter? This as the question I had when working on the memoir. I manages to get that one to 88K+ words. And I still want to enter the memoir in the publishing contest at Blydyn Square Books. I have till the end of September to send it in, either by hard copy or as an email attachment.

How long has it taken any of you authors out there to end one book?


  1. Length totally depends on the story. You have to judge it on what feels right.

  2. So much of writing seems to be a judgement call. Good luck.

  3. Good luck with the publishing contest!

  4. For me the ending is easy. It's filling in all the plotholes that's so hard.

  5. Hope your evening is pleasant and productive.
