Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Words for Wednesday

The prompts this month are Elephant's Child's blog, but are provided by Margaret Adamson, and her friend Sue Fulton.  They also include photographs taken by Margaret's friend Bill Dodds.

This week's prompts are:

  1. baptism
  2. dregs
  3. pinafore
  4. exploring
  5. sugar
  6. bee hive 


  1. heart
  2. meddling
  3. primary
  4. contrary
  5. mug
  6. kitchen

In his kitchen, Wallace Brenner had many reminders and dregs of the woman he once loved and lost when an exploring incident took her life. There was a flowered mug decorated with hearts and a pink sugar container. On the wall hung her lacy pinafore that she loved wearing in the kitchen. In the kitchen drawer was record of baptism. 

Since then Wallace never went exploring himself, having once nearly come in contact with a bee hive. He rarely even left his house anymore, preferring to avoid most of society, and choosing to live as a recluse, with his kind, albeit somewhat meddling doorman as his primary aide and confidant.

"It's just how I choose to be now," Wallace said. He was a writer and found this living style suited to his work. The doorman was the one helped him get his work submitted with the hope on one day getting published. 

"I do not feel lonely anymore, even though I lost someone I once loved but contrary to what you may think that  I feel, I do not hate others," he wrote at the beginning of a story he was beginning to attempt. "People come and go, but in the end, you are the most important person to you. I love who I am and I don't need others, only myself." He also noted that writers have tended to be recluses and that that life was best for him.

He began to see the pinafore as a metaphor for something, and was hoping to use it in his story somehow.


  1. Great job, Jamie. I especially loved your descriptions: pink sugar container, flowered mug with hearts! Excellent!

  2. Nice. I especially loved the emotion in the first paragraph.

  3. This is great - and I love that he is comfortable with himself. Something too few of us can say.

  4. Enjoyed reading your take on this week's words Jamie. Wallace sounds like a man on a mission but taking it slowly, not in a hurry to get there.
    Will he turn up again next week - I hope so.
    I've had a bit of a break from WFW - this is this weeks effortBaptism Cathy

  5. nicely written! I hope his doorman might someday convince him to get back out in the world.
