Friday, November 23, 2018

Wet Friday

That's the way it has been today where I live. I'd said yesterday that I planned on staying home most of the day today, especially since rain was predicted. But I did get out for a while, just avoiding Target and Kmart. I needed to mail some things. The Goodwill had a sale today, but it was surprising unbusy, probably because I got there after noon. I'd done the same last year on the day after Thanksgiving and the clothing racks had been ransacked, with clothes on the floor under the racks. Not as much this year. I did drive past Target both yesterday and today, and saw the parking lot full. 

It hasn't been raining too heavily today, just sprinkling a little off and on. But the roads and grounds are still wet and whether or not to go out in wet weather is always a question I have to ponder. But I stuck to my word to avoid Target today. I don't even even to know if it would really be like people think it will be:

1 comment:

  1. That Black Friday image is so very true. Mind you, I dislike shopping so am prejudiced against sales anyway.
