Thursday, October 3, 2019

Chapter Break Bingo – October 2019

Here is the card for October.

My books for this one:

  1. Spoon River Anthology--Edgar Lee Masters (4 squares): Historic Setting, Not in a Series, Earth/Land Mass on Cover, Compilation
  2. The Mothman Prophecies--John A. Keel (3 squares): Reluctant Hero, Non-Human(oid) on Cover, Free Space
  3. An Unquiet Mind--Kay Redfield Jamison (2 squares): Shelf Love, Physical Book 
  4. Apples and Pumpkins--Anne Rockwell (2 squares): Trick-or-Treat, Holiday
  5. A Corner of the Universe--Ann M. Martin (2 squares): Vacation, Library Book
  6. Obsidio--Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (4 squares): Free Book, Squad/Friends, Future Setting, In a Series
  7. Twilight--Stephenie Meyer (reread) (7 squares): Audiobook, Romance, Vampire, Immortal Creature, Afterlife/Souls, Shifter Creature, Kidnapped
  8. Sweet! The Delicious Story of Candy--Jane Love (1 square): Candy
25 squares completed on October 14


  1. I am endlessly fascinated at how many squares a single book can fill.

  2. I remember seeing Mothman Prophecies, but never read the book.
