Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August Bookish Bingo

 The new bingo card is here.

My books:
  1. The Adventures of Robin Hood--Philip Edwards (4 squares): Audiobook, Kidnapping, Fall for the Enemy, Retelling
  2. The Soda Fountain--Gia Giasullo (3 squares): E-Book, Free Book, Free Space
  3. The Lies That Bind--Emily Giffin (6 squares): Library Book, Physical Book, Not in a Series, Book Club Read, Death, Impossible Odds
  4. We Came, We Saw, We Left--Charles Wheelan (3 squares): Try a New Author, Maze, Glasses/Sunglasses  
  5. The Anthropocene Reviewed--John Green (4 squares): Purple on the Cover, Filigree (Swirls) on the Cover, Highly Anticipated, Musician 
  6. Timeless--Gail Carriger (2 squares): In a Series, Dragon
  7. With the Fire on High--Elizabeth Acevedo (1 square): Set in a School
  8. Book Lovers--Emily Henry ( 1 square): Librarian
  9. The Eyre Affair--Jasper Fforde (1 square): Shelf Love
25 squares completed on August 29.