Thursday, June 15, 2023

Not Quite Warm Yet

I still can't over the fact that we're in June and the weather hasn't been warm yet. In my neck of the woods, the weather has been like the following:

OK, so summer hasn't officially begun. The solstice day is next Wednesday. But it has often begun feeling summer warm as early as May. I'm guessing that the rains in March and April have something to do with the not-yet warm June weather. The only thing I hope not to see is 100-degree heat waves in early September as was true last year. One can only wait to see what will happen.


  1. I hope you avoid the heat waves - and the fires that so often come with them.

  2. I hope your summer is nice and warm without being too hot!

  3. Yeah, we've really doubled down on the gloom this year. At least, it seems like it. But, I'm not looking forward to hot, so I'm enjoying the cooler temps. For now.

  4. Here in Colorado, we are having a very cool spring.
