Wednesday, April 24, 2024

U: Unicorn


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter U

This was a tricky letter, and the most I could find was the Unicorn-themed movies, as well as the Dreamtopia Dolls.

Here are some of the unicorn movies:


And from the Dreamtopia series:

A commercial for the Dreamtopia Unicorn set: 

The Dreamtopia doll with a removable unicorn headband:

And one of the Dreamtopia unicorns:


  1. OF COURSE Barbie has a unicorn! It's a natural pairing!

  2. And there are some decent U names, too. (Although, I was almost named Ursula. I am forever in my mother's debt for ixnaying that one.)

  3. Unicorn headband ... that is interesting. Didn't know about that!

  4. I'm learning so much from these posts I don't want Barbie to end. And of course she has a unicorn. Why wouldn't she?
