Thursday, June 6, 2024

13 Books with "Summer" in the Title

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. This is my first time participating in this blog hop. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. ๐Ÿ™‚

I am also posting this to the Book Blog Discussion Challenge, since it's a book topic. 

With summer upon us and (in some places, such as where I live) warm weather already setting in, I chose to come up with a  list of book containing "summer" in the title. In my reading challenges, especially those that take place only in the summer, I often encounter this as a reading prompt.

These aren't in any particular order, just posting them as I come up with them. All of these I have read. And there a plenty of others I have read that fit this post, as it was hard to decide on just 13 to include.

1. Summer of '69--Elin Hilderbrand

I was eager to read this in August 2019, on the 50th anniversary of the summer of 1969, even though I was not born until two years later! I love reading and hearing about anything from before my time, especially the 50s and 60s. Now it is five years later, and nearing the 55th anniversary of the summer of 1969. I'm now wondering what to read for the August prompt for this challenge

This is also an author I have read many times, so it's only natural I chose to read this one.

2. Summer Secrets--Jane Green

Another author I have frequently read  and I was looking for something of hers I had not already read. Despite the summer title, I chose to read this one at the beginning of this year, in the dead of winter.  Sometimes reading out of season can be fun. 

"Secrets" seems to be a popular trope in summer-themed book, according to this link

3 & 4. Summer on the Bluffs, Summer on Sag Harbor--Sunny Hostin

I feel I'm cheating here a little, but I just had to include both of these books, and didn't want to make separate posts, as they might be repetitive. So I did a "2 for 1" here.

 I read the first book (Summer on the Bluffs) a little over a year ago, and the second (Summer on Sag Harbor) just this past weekend. This was my most recent read on this list. 

I'm not into watching The View, but seeing the first book at Target made my want to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed each. 

5.  Hello, Summer--Mary Kay Andrews

I love reading this author and when I saw that the library did not have this book, I went ahead and got myself a copy at Target. I try to buy as few as possible, but was too eager to get to this. 

Also, it was hard to decide what book to include from this author, so I chose to include another. See below. 

5. Summer Rental Mary Kay Andrews

I remember when I read this one. It was another summer-themed book read "out of season," just before Christmas one year. It was the year I first joined Goodreads.  I know I enjoyed this one a lot, and at one point saw it book that I could see becoming a movie. It had just the right vibe. But so far, there has been no movie, and probably not enough people are familiar with the book to want to see an adaptation. Though a movie might make the book more popular.

6.  Cool for the Summer--Dahlia Adler

You may recall seeing this cover in this post. Needing to find an LGBTQ+ book with a  Jewish protagonist lead me to finding this one in my library's database. I must say, I liked the cover on this one. I had actually seen it on the library shelf before checking it out.

7. The Summer of Lost and Found--Mary Alice Monroe

This is book in a series, which I have not completed. Nor have I read the books in order, as there are some I have not found, and I haven't avidly looked. It was also another summer book I read during winter time. Again, reading out of season can be fun. 

This was published in 2021, only one year after the COVID pandemic, which is addressed in this book. The characters are undergoing quarantine. I was a little hesitant to read it because of this, as the pandemic was a recent memory. It was in December 2022 that I read this.

Another author I have read a lot of, so I felt a need to include this one. Also another in a series that I have not read all the books. I had this one at home, so I may have picked it up not knowing it is part of a series. 

As much as I am trying to avoid repeating authors, I just had to include this one as I have read this entire series and in order. I'm mostly going my Goodreads history, and a lot of the titles that have summer in the title are by many of the same authors and I want to include those I enjoy.

Although the description of the third book says it's the conclusion of a trilogy, there were later two more books published. The last book in the series breaks away form the summer theme, though, with a Christmas setting. 

I'm not sure what made me read this one, though I think I saw it one someone's blog. Right now, looking at the cover is making me wish for a poll in which  I can take a dive. Not many where I live, and no public pools. Would be refreshing right now with the heat in my neck of the woods. 

This is the only book I recall reading by this author. 

One I read because of hype, and another author I have not read very much of, but now plan to. I have a copy of Weiner's book In Her Shoes. I saw the movie when I first began receiving DVDs from Netflix, not knowing at the time that it was based on a book. I managed to find a copy of the book without the movie cover๐Ÿ™‚

12. The Summer of Jordi Perez--Amy Spaulding

I got this book from library one year when they were giving out books to take home free. I love a good YA book. And I'm always looking for LGBTQ+ books. So I grabbed this one.

I went mostly off the books I had in my Goodreads profile, but wanted to include one I read as a teen. I was really into reading teen romance books, and this was one of the first I read in junior high school. Sweet Dreams one of the teen series I read the most. Most books in the Sweet Dreams series were standalone stories, but this book was a sequel to earlier one, The Popularity Plan, which I never read. I obviously never found it then. I try to snag these books if I see them in thrift stores.


There are just too many others on my Goodreads to list. Perhaps even some I read before the Internet, too, though I can't recall many of those. It was hard to decide which ones to list here. At least one other Hilderbrand book with "summer" in the title is in my Goodreads profile. And I have this one on my to read list. This is another author I like, so this one stands to reason. I don't yet know when I'll get to that one. 


  1. There are about four movies called Summer of Love! I don't think I've seen any of them or any of these.

  2. I have never considered reading books according to season. What a wonderful idea! Welcome to Thursday 13. I loved your post and hope you become a regular with us.

  3. Great topic. I think I like reading about hot weather in the winter and cold weather in the summer (more so cold weather in the summer). I think I picked up Jill Shalvis based on a bloggers rec, but I didn't love her as much. Her books were fine, though. And, of course, Macomber is always a favorite as she's a knitter, too. :)

  4. I read Summer Secrets. Learned a great deal about AA from it. Such uncomplicated advice ... so hard to incorporate into your life if you're struggling, as the main character was! A very interesting book.
