Monday, June 17, 2024

Buying $5 Items at Dollar Tree

Even when Dollar Tree raised the based price to $1.25, I did not get the urge to stop shopping there. I did once work for the company. 
But when they started carrying items for more than $1.25, I was slow to begin buying above that amount. 

So far, I've only gotten three different items in the $5-price range. When I was preparing for my colonoscopy in April, I learned ahead of time that using the bathroom a lot was going to be necessary. So for extra protection, I bought a pack of adult pull-ups at Dollar Tree. They only come 10 to a pack, but that was going to be enough. I would have had to pay more for a pack of more than elsewhere, even for the generic store brands. BTW, they come in a box with an open-top lid, rather than the plastic packaging shown on the site. Most other brands seem to use the plastic packaging, so I was surprised to see these in a box.

One day I came across $5 dollar spray sunscreen at Dollar tree. I cannot seem to find this on their site. I needed some then, so I figured it would be better than getting it for more at Target or Safeway. I just now got some again, with the beach trip on the way. And while I was at the store last Saturday, I saw 12-packs of toilet paper for $5. I always dread having to get TP, but was glad to see it for this much.  There were $5 sandals and towels, but thankfully, I've already got some of these at home, ready for the trip on Wednesday :)

I also went looking for a sun hat to wear to the beach. There were several big floppy ones for $3, but I ended up getting a smaller one for $1.25. I just liked that one more :) I have yet to buy anything in the $3 range. And I won't get started on $6 or more, even though the store is said to be now offering items for $7. I'll worry about buying stuff for that much if and when it's necessary to do so :) 

Just the other day, I noticed they are selling fans for $19. I don't need one right now, but that seems like a great deal. Not likely to find them at that price elsewhere ;)


Items in the $3 to $5 range I have not bought.

How do you feel about these prices? Would you rather get such items elsewhere? For me, that depends on how if they are out at DT, and if they are more elsewhere, which likely is true in most instances. 


  1. My nearby Dollar Tree has lots of different prices. Some items are cheap because the item is cheap (phone charger cords.) Others are a bit cheaper than the grocery store, like for canned goods. Some drug store items are ok, but I always check the expiration dates. Their toilet paper is cheap enough to make me buy it from there. Quick Trip has Double Bubble gum for 49 cents each. They used to be a penny in my olden days. And 7-11 stores were only open from 7 to 11....Linda in Kansas

  2. I remember when Woolworths stores were called "Five and Dimes" -- inflation soon surpassed that label too, LOL!

  3. Sounds like you got some good buys.

  4. I was just at Dollar Tree this morning. I peruse the $5 aisle, but I have yet to buy something from there. I could have kicked myself, though. I meant to get more tissues (for this cold I have), but completely forgot. I got chocolate instead.

  5. Just stopped by to say hey. Hope your day has been a great one.

  6. Gosh! I wish we had a Dollar Tree around here. I can see why prices would go up a bit nowadays though.
