Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Back at Our Center

Starting last Wednesday, my mental health group has been back at our center which was closed for repairs for more than two months. We were glad to finally be back.  Though it was kind of fun meeting elsewhere, though the rooms at the main office where we'd meet temporarily got a little crowded at times. At the Starbucks meetings got a little crowded even at a really big table. We once tried meeting at a park for my writing class, but chose to meet a Starbucks instead that day, since it was windy outside.

Also during our time away from the building, we had a park day in May and a beach trip last month. And tomorrow is our animal shelter and duck park trip. That will be something new and different. I'll be glad to be out for a few hours. Will ket you know how it goes.

And now that we're back, I'm hoping to do more craft projects. I'll have to come up with an idea.


  1. I hope what you came back to was a very improved center after all of that.

  2. I bet it feels like going home.

  3. Hurrah that you are back. I bet everyone is happy about that.

  4. The duck park sounds fun. What is the animal shelter like? Is it nonkill?
