Saturday, July 6, 2024

Don't Want to Think About This Now

 These came up on Facebook this past week:

I have not seen these holiday items in stores as of yet and won't be actively looking for them just yet. Right now, we are having a heatwave in my area, and this is the last thing on my mind right now. I'm just trying to stay hydrated. 


  1. Time is flying too quickly now as it is. I don't need stores to make me feel like they're speeding up the days.

  2. Here our heatwave is starting tomorrow and will last all week. I haven't seen any Halloween stuff in stores yet eithers, although I suspect Michael's has some out by now. Maybe I'll check it out next week, if only to bask in their air conditioning for a little while, LOL!

  3. Stay cool, stay safe. Heat is a killer.

  4. Hobby Lobby had all their fall things out in June, and Costco had some Halloween things out too. It's kind of sad that we should be pushed out of summer when in many places, it's really just begun. Happy end of your weekend.

  5. Well, I have already started my Christmas crocheting... (It's a project I started in November of last year and never finished. But that still counts, right?)

  6. It seems too hot there at the moment. Stay cool.

  7. LOL. The memes are great.
    The plants and I hate this heat.

  8. I'm guessing the stores will be dragging out the Halloween decos next month.
