Wednesday, August 7, 2024

More Experimenting with Formats

After a few days away, I returned to working on my new manuscript. I attempted to create a blog entry using borders around the text. I just now added grey to the background of the text boxes, to see how it looks. I printed it out last night before adding the grey. Still deciding on that detail šŸ™‚ It's so much fun to keep experimenting. 

I still haven't attempted to incorporate emails into the story, but I just learned that the fake domain can be used for fake email addresses. I discovered this through some of the templates in Pages for resumes, business cards and on some of the letter templates (the one I used did not have an email example).  

And I have been mostly typing this one immediately on the computer, unlike some times when I write notes on paper before typing them out. I somehow thought about this old blog post. I tend to still do it this way, but the unusual format experiment has made this seem difficult for this particular writing. Since I won't know what images will look like in the document until I try them out in the document. Though I may write out texts or ideas ahead of time before deciding what unusual format to set them in. Tables and pie charts are some I have not yet tried to use, but don't yet know if (or how) I will incorporate these into the story yet. And I am still wondering I will be adding web images. I'm re-working on the  parts I have already typed, and have yet to go on from there. 


Do you write in a notebook before typing onto the computer? I've always made sure to have notebooks for this. Even if I may not need any right now. But they are good to have if an idea for the story hits me when I'm off my computer. I will take down the idea, then decide on the formatting later.


  1. Sounds like a lot of research and experimenting. Keep us posted. I'm sure you are going to end up with a great product.

  2. I have heard that so many writers like to write longhand before inputting into a computer doc. Not me. I get awful writer's cramp, so unless I only want to write 100-ish words a sitting, that would be unworkable.
