Friday, September 6, 2024

Too Hot to Write!

That was how felt all day yesterday. This was the first week I did not participate in the Thursday 13 since I began doing that weekly prompt in June. But it doesn't have to be every week. Hot weather is expected again today and this weekend. I didn't feel up to working on my writing either. I got a little behind on that one when I was sick last month. I don't often feel up to  sitting at my computer when I'm sick, and the hot weather the last few days made me too sleepy to think about writing. 

I'm posting this in the morning before it gets hot and before I head to work. The center was closed on Monday for Labor Day and on Wednesday for the monthly staff meeting. It was weird being gone for a week! 

Waiting for the hot weather to end! Wondering if the 97 degree weather will still be true when the fall equinox hits. I won't be surprised if that is true.

And I've been driving past the former Kmart to see how they are doing with getting the Sprit store set up. The banners are up. Two delivery trucks were in the parking lot yesterday and boxes were piled up on the sidewalk. Displays of items are already up, but I don't know when they will be open. It's so fun to have one in my hometown. I'm glad to see the building getting some use for a while, after four years of the building and the parking lot standing there empty.


  1. The next three days will be scorchers here too. Summer's last hurrah, I hope.

  2. It's been so hot I'm a puddle of sweat. I do not like these temperatures. Sadly, I expect it'll stay pretty warm for a while. Sigh.

  3. I've seen them talk about the heat wave on the news. Summer would be lovely if it wasn't for the super heat. In some ways that heat is as bad as snowstorms we get in the winter. I hope it cools off for you soon.
