Friday, December 13, 2024

Nightmares Before Christmas

Found this today on Lady M's blog and just had to share it.

Certainly not looking forward to next month when the Orange Ogre takes over the White House again with his motley crew of political misfits. A nightmare that will take place after Christmas. 


  1. Yes, Trump is worse than ANY Friday the 13th, that's for sure!

  2. That last image is great. I am not looking forward to the next four years. (Only one Friday the 13th next year. In June.)

  3. i'm with you about the panic/shit show that will happen in January. I hope we're all still standing unharmed when the 4 years are over, but something will happen that won't be good for each of us, and that something could be different from each of us. That's a whole lot of bad things. I'm still trying to figure out how this happened.
