Friday, March 7, 2025

Five Years Ago

This came up on my Facebook memories today, from 2020:

This was just before the pandemic shutdown. I remember also getting a 12-pack of toilet paper at Safeway that same  knowing what lay ahead. 

This was very true and now it's been five 

The following Friday, the 13th, I returned some books to the library without checking out more. It was good timing, as the shutdown would begin the following Monday. It as also on that Friday the 13th that people began noticing the empty store shelves. Toilet paper was being hoarded, and stores would be all out of it for quite a while. . I could barely find any milk the following Monday morning, which ended up being my last day at work until the reopening in June that year.

I still can't believe it's been five years since having to be holed up at home, only being able to go to stores, banks and post offices, and having to stand six feet apart while waiting in line at these essential places, and trying not to literarily bump into anyone.  I would not be able to check out library books again until June, when curbside pickup began. Again, I was glad to have returned the ones I'd had out in March and not check more out right then. 

Time sure has gone fast.


  1. Yes, it HAS been 5 years, hasn't it? Thanks for the reminder -- it sure doesn't seem that long ago!

  2. Yeah, our last day was end of third quarter, a minimum day. When I left school, I had the whole following week scheduled. By the time I got home, we got word that school wouldn't be reopening on the Monday. Sigh. Weird times.

  3. It's been 5 years? OMG! I can't believe it. I'm still wearing masks when out in a crowded place though and I'm still hearing of people contracting COVID. Sigh...
