Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Words for Wednesday

This week we have a phrase and a picture as our prompts.

  1. Back to the drawing board

Another of Bill's photos.


I saw this postcard in a box of old photos and other memorabilia that had been lingering in the garage for many years now. I turned it around to see who it had been from, and saw that it was from someone I had not seen in so long. I then viewed the scene on the postcard, thinking a road trip might be in the future.But then, it looked like a rather dangerous road, so it was back to the drawing board. 


  1. well done! it does look a little "edgy!"

  2. Sometimes it is better to fly, isn't it? Nice story!

  3. Great use of the prompts. And a tad sad too. I suspect many of us don't stretch ourselves enough.

  4. Just stopped by to say hey and happy Thursday.
