Friday, June 1, 2018

Book Challenge by Erin 9.0

I'll be doing this one again. I guess I can count myself as a writer for the last category 🙂

General Rules
• First and foremost, have fun. Don't stress. No one is being judged, graded, or penalized. Even if you finish only one book the entire challenge, if you enjoy it and it's an accomplishment for you, then that's awesome.
• The challenge will run from JULY 1, 2018 to OCTOBER 31, 2018. No books that are started before 12 a.m. on July 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on October 31 will count. (We live in different time zones – follow this according to your own time zone.)
• Each book must be at least 200 pages long. Audio books are fine too.
• A book can only be used for one category, and each category can only be completed once. If you want to switch the category of a book, or change the book you originally chose, no worries.
• You can read your books in any order you choose.
• Rereads can be used only once. If a book you love fits into a category, go ahead and visit it again. Read it in its entirety. But, only do this once for the challenge.
• There will be a photo album for each category with links to books chosen. Please comment on the photo for each of your books when you finish reading them. A comment can include a review, a rating, a recommendation…other readers want to hear what you thought of your choice. (If you need help with this, let me know…or there is a file attached to our group explaining what to do.)
• There will be 10 book categories with a possibility of earning 200 points. That’s 10 books in four months. For some of you, this will be a BIG challenge; for others it will be easy peasy. It’s all for fun, remember!
• Book categories will be posted June 1st to give you time to gather books in preparation.
• After the categories are posted, please post a preliminary list with books of your choice according to their categories on the facebook group page by June 15th (if possible). If you need help with a particular category or want a book suggestion, we as a community of reading enthusiasts can help each other. (Late entries will still be accepted.)
• The first three people who finish the challenge will be invited to contribute a category for the next challenge. The following will get a small prize from me (1st to complete 1st round; 1st to complete both rounds; and WILD CARD random draw – all who finish the 10 book challenge will qualify as an entry!) Plus, everyone who completes the challenge will gets all sorts of recognition and support!
• Lastly, have fun. Don't stress. No one is being judged, graded, or penalized. Even if you finish only one book the entire challenge, if you enjoy it and it's an accomplishment for you, then that's awesome. Wait, I’ve read that somewhere before…Good luck!

Book Challenge by Erin 9.0 - Categories

• 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages:

Breakthrough--Jack Andraka

• 10 points: Read a book that starts with the letter “N”:
Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List--Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

• 10 points: Read a book that has a (mostly) orange cover:
Crazy Rich Asians--Kevin Kwan

• 15 points: Read a book with an unlikeable character (by the way, I had to look up the spelling of “unlikeable” and apparently unlikable and unlikeable are both correct):
The Mars Room--Rachel Kushner 

• 20 points: Read a book from the list of 100 books that PBS calls “The Great American Read” (although, they aren’t all by American authors):
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao--Junot Diaz

• 20 points: Read a book with something related to water in the title; i.e. ocean, sea, lake, river, waves, etc:

• 25 points: Read a book you’ve owned the longest but haven’t read yet (or that has been on your goodreads “to read” list the longest, or has been sitting in your kindle the longest)...basically, read a book you’ve been meaning to read the longest but haven’t got to it yet:
Slay It With Flowers--Kate Collins 

• 30 points: Read a book with an emotion word in the title; i.e. joy, sadness, grief, love, anger, etc. (submitted by Megan):
Loved Walked In--Marisa de los Santos

• 30 points: Read a book (must be at least 2 words in the title) where each word in the title of the book begins with the same letter (submitted by Vinay); examples: Magpie Murders, Gone Girl, Peter Pan, Love’s Labor Lost
Conjunctions and articles count; for example, if the title has “and” in the title, all of the other words must start with “A” to count; or if the title has “the” in it, all of the other words must start with “T”:

Lucky's Lady--Tami Hoag

• 35 points: Read a book featuring a character who shares your profession or similar one – basically the idea is the character does the same kind of thing as you do day to day – stay at home parent or student counts as a profession; yes, you may need to be creative with this one, stretch it, and make it work for you. (submitted by Bev):
The Devil and Daniel Silverman--Theodore Roszak (character is a writer)

Challenge completed on July 16

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that there were so many reading challenges about. And anything which gets just one more person reading is a winner.
