Monday, April 29, 2024

Y: You Can Be Anything


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Y

"You can be anything" is a slogan used by Barbie to mean just that--you can be anything. The slogan is intended as a symbol of diversity and inclusion. This is the sort of positive message all kids need to learn.

Indeed, the many careers Barbie has held shows that slogan, even before it was a thing. At one time she was a nurse, but she later became a doctor, though she did become a nurse once again

Pictured below are just some of the careers represented in this line.

With all that has been said, I now wonder even more why there has not been an official Lawyer Barbie doll. 


YOWZA!! Only one day left! Tune into tomorrow to see the finale.


  1. We all need to write into Mattel and let them know of this glaring oversight. Has Barbie been a judge? She should also be a lawyer.

  2. I always liked that they made Barbie with all the different kinds of jobs. I think they started these after my girls had outgrown dolls, but still, it was a good idea. :)

  3. I think it's great Barbie can be anything. Let's face it, she's a role model in many ways. I wonder when they'll make lawyer Barbie.

  4. Huh, I wonder if there's an "Author Barbie" or an "IT Barbie"? I like the slogan :-)

    Ronel visiting for Y: My Languishing TBR: Y
    Cursed Werewolves
