Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Z: Zoo Doctor

ZONKS! I can't believe it's now time for ...

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Z

Among Barbie's many careers is that of zoo doctor, or pet doctor. On top of that, she's also been a regular doctor. The Pet Doctor was first released in the 1990s.


And that's a wrap! Hope you have enjoyed this year's A to Z. A Reflections post is coming this week, and the Post-A to Z Road Trip is later in May.

WINNER badge #AtoZChallenge 2024


  1. This was a lot of fun! Congraulations on making it through!

  2. My daughter had the vet pet doctor one. Oh, not Barbie, I think it might have been Theresa. Lots of little instruments to lose or step on!
    Congratulations on completing the A to Z.

  3. Of course Barbie was a zoo doctor. She's had so many jobs...

    Congrats on making it to the end of the alphabet.

  4. Congratulations on your zealous efforts - and completing the challenge.

  5. It's been fun. I learned a lot about Barbie's that I never knew.

  6. awww This is a cute one - zoo worker. I sure would have loved this when I was a kid. :)
    Congratulations on completing the A to Z!

  7. Wonder why she wasn't just called a veterinarian or vet? Children could have added to their vocabularies...

    Ronel visiting for Z: My Languishing TBR: Z
    Zombies in Folklore and Fiction
