Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blogging A to Z Reflections

This week, participants in the A to Z Blogging Challenge will be writing Reflections posts.  The Reflections post sign ups actually begin tomorrow, but I'm posting mine now.

Reflecions 2024 #AtoZChallenge

This was the first time I scheduled posts on my blog. I'd drafted all my posts for the event ahead of time (as I'd done in previous A to Z Blogging events), but with my procedure that was this month, I was afraid of being too tired to get my post up before the day was over. With all I had going one for two days, I wasn't sure how often I'd be on my computer those two days. I did get on eventually those days, but the schedule-posting still came in handy. I did not begin the schedule-posting until the fifth day of the A to Z (my procedure was on the 16th), just to see how it works and it worked great for the timeliness of the blog event.

Some interesting themes this year included Disney Channel TV Movies. I began hunting some of these movies down on Disney+, and have watched one or two so far. Two I had already seen, one via VHS from Blockbuster around 2001 and one on DVD from Netflix in 2007. I may watch them again. Another was Romance Tropes in Folklore.  Silly songs was another (this was one of the people who were "unofficially" participating in the A to Z). And there are just too many others to mention, and some I have missed, and hope to get to when the Road Trip begins later this month. 

The graphics on the A to Z Blogging page already have next year's theme reveal post graphics up. But I'm not so sure about a theme for 2025 just yet. It took a while to come up with this year's theme. I'm sure I'll find something in time for next year's reveal. But I won't be thinking of it just yet. 


  1. You've got a whole year to come up with your 2025 theme!

  2. January is plenty of time to figure out what you're going to do in April. Although, I suppose some people like to get a big jump on the challenge. Congrats for making it though. I do love scheduling my own posts. It's way easier than keeping track of what's posted.

  3. I think your A-Z went smooth as silk.
    I do my posting a week at a time. It's easier for me.

  4. I liked your theme this year, and I still need to read a few more. Wonderful that scheduling posts worked out good for you. I've never really tried doing that.
    Thanks so much for the mention! I'm glad you enjoyed the silly songs!
    Wishing you a wonderful new month of May! :)

  5. Liz mentioned January, and that's when I start planning, and writing if I'm going to do poetry. I schedule them, but still check the night before to make sure the formatting and all is correct, so I really don't need to!

    Congratulations on your A to Zs!

  6. I cannot claim to be a Barbie lover but the cultural phenomena of Barbie is fascinating and I have enjoyed dipping into your compendious guide this year. My only connection to Barbie is that I came across a naked and abandoned Barbie doll on a trip to London and photographed it in situ. Then last year, I was doing the Poetry Postcard Festival and decided to use photographs I had taken as the postcards to send to a stranger with a spontaneous unedited OEM on the back. This is quite a difficult thing to write given that you are sending it to a stranger and you are supposed to write it in an epistolary style. Well I sent the Barbie postcard/poem, in the style of a Raymond Chandler detective mystery to a guy in Woodacre, California but he was one of those who did not reply back - I hope it wasn't on account of the dead Barbie. If it will not distress you - here is a link to my posting of the card on my blog...

    Well done for completing the A-Z - I will definitely be mentioning you in a Roadtrip post...

  7. You're smart in scheduling post and writing ahead. I wish I can do that but I'm too lazy to prepare posts ahead.

    Thanks for coming by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  8. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my wrap-up post. I don't think I visited you during April. I'm so old that I missed Barbie. My kids had a few. Congratulations on finishing and on prescheduling your posts. I hope if I do the Challenge next year I am able to do the same.

  9. I think it was a fun challenge and I like how you picked Barbies. Happy weekend.

  10. I was never a big Barbie fan, either, but her popularity is a fascinating phenomenon and I enjoyed all the weird and wacky Barbie details you uncovered.
    Congrats on finishing the challenge, in spite of challenges!

  11. Congrats on finishing the challenge -- I enjoyed your theme a lot.

    Ronel visiting for Reflections for A to Z Blogging Challenge 2024

  12. Well done on completing the A to Z and yay for scheduling. I wrote and scheduled al of my posts in March so I could spend all of April Blog Hopping.
