Thursday, June 27, 2024

13 New-to-Me Authors I've Read This Year

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂

I've decided to mention books by authors I've read this year for the first time, the book read from said author, and how I came to read them. I know I've got more than 13, so narrowing it to down was a little hard. Note: I won't be reviewing the books!

I'm also posting this to the Book Blog Discussion at Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight

1. Herbert L. Heller--Sourdough Sagas: I came across this book from an older friend who let me have some books he'd had. This was totally new to me. I'd known very little about the pioneering and gold in Alaska from 1883 to 1923. One of the first books I read at the beginning of this year.

2. Kate Milford--Greenglass House: One of many books I had picked up at a second-hand store, not knowing when or why I chose it. It must have seemed fun when I first saw it. This was another among the first books I read as this year began.

3. Wendy Heard--She's Too Pretty to Burn: One I just happened to find in my library's database as I was look for a title containing the words to, too or two for this challenge. I guess I just liked how this book sounded. 

4. Kim Michelle Richardson--The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek: I'd known about this book for some time, and from what I'd seen about the book online  I was sure I wanted to read it. So when I saw a copy at a second-hand store, I snagged it. 

5. Suzanne Park--Sunny Song Will Never Be Famous: I happened to find this at the nearby Barnes & Noble one day, and I was obviously interested in it enough to buy it. 

6. Sosuke Natsukawa--The Cat Who Saved Books: I saw this book on another person's blog and among the books on this list (one of the categories for this challenge this year). A lot of the titles on the list seemed like ones I would never find without having to buy the book. Fortunately, The Cat Who Saved Books is at my public library, so I decided that would be my choice for that category. And I like anything with cats!

7. Rachel Joyce--The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry: Another book I had heard about somewhere on the web, but did not search out until this year. I found another book by this author I now want to read, don't yet know when that one will be.

8. Lily King-Euphoria: This was one book I'd spotted at Target when it was first released. Not wanting to spend a lot on it then, I searched for it in my library's database. I found it there, but I never got around to reading it until this year. I'd finally crossed this one of my list (so to speak, since it was only a mental one).

9. Sedeqa Johnson--The House of Eve: When looking for a book set in the 1950s, this one turned up in my library catalog. I liked how it sounded.

10. Yoshiko Unchida--Picture Bride: One I knew nothing about previously and just happened to find while browsing the library shelves. I needed an author beginning with U, and a book about wedding and/or marriage, so I picked this one.

11. Megan Caldwell-Vanity Fare: Trying to find a V title for the Alphabet Soup Titles challenge was a little hard, and when I at random punched "vanity" into the library database, this one came up. I like reading food-themed books, so I know I would be checking this one out.

12. Rachel Hartman--Tess of the Road: Another author I'd known about having seen her books on my library shelf. This one got my interest when looking for a book that had dragons. Several challenges I'm doing this year have "a book with a dragon" category, since 2024 is the Year of the Dragon.

13. Dean Atta--The Black Flamingo: This was displayed at the library on top of the one of the shelves in the YA section. I was looking for an LGBTQ-themed book and one about drag artistry, and this one was right there. 

It was hard just picking 13 authors for this post, as there are more than that many who are new  to me this year so far. The year is only half-over, and I'm sure I will find even more new ones-to-me so the in the next six months🙂 I decided not to include any for whom the book I read is their first one and only one as of yet, such as this one.


  1. Those authors are new to me too, but their books sound intriguing!

  2. (Every year this century that is divisible by 12 will be a Dragon Year.)

    There's a "Stuff your Kindle" event that various romance authors put on every 3-6 months. I pick up so many random books that way. If I were to do a list, that's how I would have to explain how I found all of the new-to-me authors. Your discoveries are way more interesting.

  3. I've read the Harold Fry one. Haven't heard of the others. Good list.

  4. I've never heard of these authors either, but they do sound interesting.

  5. I don't know any of these authors, but I love reading new authors. Now I want to look at my list to see who are new. Happy end of JUne!

  6. You've tried a lot of new authors this year!

  7. Good on you for trying new authors.

  8. Thanks for the suggestion of new authors for me to read. I've met my reading goal for this year with several ongoing series so now I can experience new writers.
