Thursday, July 18, 2024

13 Things This Month So Far

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂  

 13 Things This Month So Far (not in any particular order):

  1. My previous psychiatrist left the clinic last month, and I met the new one on the first of this month. The previous one (who communicated by telepsychiatry) always called me at home, but the new one (who also communicates via Zoom) is meeting patients at the office. My Prozac dosage was increased as well, and moved to daytime.
  2. Our meeting center is still under repair, and we have been meeting in a  room at the behavioral health main building. We don't yet know when we'll back at the center, but are hoping to be by August.
  3. There has been a heatwave lately in my neck of the woods. The first Saturday this month was particularly hot. I stayed home all day.
  4. Trying to get to the store or get gas in the mornings before the weather gets really hot. 
  5. Deciding whether or not to use a hair dryer on days that are expected to be hot. Another thing I try to get done before it gets really hot. I certainly want to have completely dry hair when I have to be at work.
  6. Drinking a lot of water  to try to stay hydrated. Having to keep getting bottles of water, increased need for the bathroom. I experimented with wearing a pull-up on one of the hot days (TMI???)
  7. Getting to bed early during the heat, then awaking at 1 or 2AM, turning the TV on, trying to get back to sleep, but eventually getting up between 4 and 5.
  8. Forgetting to set the timer on the fan when going to bed, but remembering to set the sleep timer on the TV.
  9. Getting even more sleepier during the day when it's hot.
  10. Got around to finding something I wanted to write. As I have said, I'm trying to experiment with unusual formatting. I've already used the letter template.
  11. Have an upcoming field trip with the behavioral health group to an animal shelter, followed by a trip to a duck park, on the 31st. Will let you know how it goes.
  12. No more meeting at Starbucks for my writing class. I got a little tired of the eavesdropping, and observing strangers prompts, and the table we'd meet at was just getting too crowded, depending on how many clients showed up.
  13. Just reading, reading and more reading, as usual.


  1. Hang in there! I like your numbered paragraph entry. I drink 4 500cc bottles of water a day. I reuse FIJI water bottles for a couple of months then trash them. (I know the microplastics will kill me, but at 70 I'm pretty sure it will be something else first.) By lining up 4 of the caps on the counter per day, I know I've gotten my 2L per day of wwater. The heat is harsh and bums out most folks. I wake at 5 a.m. and decide to water the garden or run errands before that humidity suddenly hits. Never thought I'd wish for winter. Watch March of the Penguins to cool off! Linda in Kansas

  2. There's a reason why some cultures take a siesta in the middle of the day and do more in the morning and evening. I hope the weather cools down for your sooner rather than later.

  3. We've been having horrible heat as well. Way too hot for where I live. We are definitely not used to it. Drinking water is a good thing, although watching TV to go back to sleep is not on the "better sleep" list. Screens can keep you awake. Or they do me, anyway.

  4. Heat waves are such a major drag! We're having one too. My fans are getting a real workout!

  5. Visiting a duck pond sounds like fun. Have a great weekend.

  6. My reader's group met at Starbucks until it became a competition to claim a table for the group. Kind of takes the fun out of social meetings. Hope you survive the heat. Ceiling and floor fans work for me, and lots of liquids.
