Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What I've Experimented With Doing So Far

For writing in an unusual format, that is.

For one thing, I tried using different fonts on different pages. So far I like how this varies that look of the manuscript. Even using one font for headlines and another the text. In some cases varying the font sizes on the same page. It's been fun seeing what different fonts look like and seeing them in different point sizes. One I've used a lot is Verdana, which I use most on my blog posts. The default font is Times. I've found a lot of script-like fonts and funky ones like Chalkduster, seen in my current memoir challenge image:

Not sure what this script font is right off hand, but I sure like the way it looks. This is the image used on another of my current challenges, one that my book will fit into if it sees the light of day 😉

I like to change up the images for my challenge every year, so I've already done some font experimenting.

Another thing I've tried is adding images to the page, letting the text wrap around in some instances. Still experimenting to see how I really want to do each page. but enjoying it so far. I found a notebook paper image that I used. I'd like to show it, I can't find the exact one right now, and I don't want to spoil what I have done just yet, as I have typed text over the image. I've also done inserting text boxes in or around the regular text. I tried the box in different positions, deciding (for the time being) to use wrap-around text, placing the text box on the right side of the page. I've never had a chance to type anything with images or wrap-around text, so this has been fun experiment.

As I've said earlier, I used one of the letter templates to write a fake letter from a hospital. This was new to me. I was reminded of the Shopaholic books, where the MC continuously receives letters from her bank and credit card companies. In my letter, I used a a fake phone number with the 555 prefix, but used my town's actual zip code. I don't know if there is a fake zip code used for fictional stories. I did not use my actually town name, however.

And I've been trying to find how to type an email in my book, using a fake domain. I have seen actual email domains (yahoo, hotmail, etc) used in books, but am worried about unknowingly using someone's actual email address. Everyone already gets enough junk in their emails! I don't want to add to that! Anyone know anything about this?

And I now need to find out how to insert images that may not be free. One book I have at home has the cover of a Nancy Drew book and images of news events from the 1960s, among other usual formatting. I'm planning to read this one soon, BTW. 


  1. Sounds like you're doing some fun new things!

  2. Have fun experimenting and exploring.

  3. Depending on the image, you may be able to purchase rights to use. I'm fuzzy on details, but I know it's possible.

    I bet there's a way to look up zip codes. I bet not all number combos are in use, so you could probably use one that's a digit off from a real city. (Like, I live in Long Beach, and our zip codes are 90801-15. I just went to try 90816, and it doesn't exist. I found a tool to use:

    Why don't you create an email address? Then if someone who reads your book attempts to email them, you would get the email. It might be fun.

    It sounds like you're having a blast with this format. I'm sure it's going to turn out great.

  4. That's a good point about a fake email. I have never thought of that. I like the chalk duster font. I know when I was teaching we talked a lot (at one time) about what font is the easiest for all kinds to read. (It was Ariel). But I like Times New Roman. But sometimes you just want a fun font. Hope all is well.

  5. Good for you getting all creative. I hate doing graphics. I always try to get my kid to them.
