**Challenge completed on November 27**
In 2016 I tried a couple of reading challenges that were floating around the internet, I did okay with them. What I really liked was the idea of challenging myself to read different things. It sort of made me plan out what I had to read. In 2017, I made my own reading challenge. I was pretty proud of it, and it can be seen here. I think that I definitely learned a lot, but ultimately I took on way too much with it and it needed some fine-tuning. Throughout it all, my amazing friend Tress was trying to do the challenge right alongside me. While 2017 is not over yet, I'll be honest and admit I'm not even going to finish half of it. That's okay though because what it did do was give me a lot of ideas for 2018. I started out this list just consulting with Tress on her thoughts on 2017's list. What ended up happening is we ended up collaborating on a massive reading challenge the past couple of weeks. Tress has been talking to a lot of members on a website called Dragonmount that we're both apart of (her far more than I am. I've never been outside the Mafia game thread there) about my previous reading challenge. I think She may have even referenced it on her own blog which can be found here. I'm incredibly proud of the work we put into this, and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Before I show off the challenge, I want to explain it a bit.
This challenge is actually several challenges in one. The way it is designed is that you work through one level and then move on to the next. It's comprised of five different challenges of 12 books each, or 60 books total. We tried to arrange it in a way that shows what we thought would be the easiest in the first few levels, and then gradually gets harder. We also wanted to spread it out a bit, so the same types of challenges aren't in each level. Ultimately, I think we both wanted a challenge that's going to really make us have to think ahead and plan to complete it. Tress and I are both really into organization and bullet journaling, so for us, this is just an extension of that. I'm not sure what goals Tress has set for herself within the challenge, but my goals are to work it in order and try to see how far I can get. Last year, I kind of read a book and then tried to fit it into a category on the challenge. This year, I'd like to plan ahead and see if I can read more because of it. I've already got some books in mind for some of the items, so I'm really excited to see what I can accomplish on this list.