Monday, April 17, 2023

N for...

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter N


Before cell phones and texting, kids passed notes in class. They would often be folded in intricate shapes like those in the pictures above. A typical note-passing act would be like in the picture below, with students trying not to get caught. If and when they did get caught, the teacher would confiscate the note and either throw it in the trash or keep in their desk drawer. Sometimes the teachers would read the note out loud, or even make the students read it.

If cell phones were banned in class, might kids of today of learn of this long-lost act? Texting in class is just passing notes gone high tech.


One thing I always had to pick out for school was a notebook, or binder or folder. A lot of us had Trapper Keepers. I now I had so many of these, until I stopped using them, in favor of looseleaf notebooks (teachers in high school required us to have a notebook for each class).

I know I had various designs of Trapper Keepers over the years in grade school and junior high school. I may or may not have had some of these below. I don't know if that rainbow now was around then, but it looks like one I would have wanted, if I could have had it. The one with the kittens also seems like one I might have had.

I also remember the Trapper Keeper folders you could insert into the binders that could be purchased individually, as well as other kinds of folders.

Critter Sitters

Notice some of the coloring on the folders in the second photo. This brings me to...


Neon colors seemed to be everywhere in the 1980s:

I've often liked bright colors, though I'm not sure I liked them this bright! I certainly saw a lot of these things around, though.


NOW done for today. See what's ON tap for Tuesday.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I had a bright neon pink t-shirt in the 80s -- over the years and innumerable washings, it faded to a very sedate pink, lol.

Elephant's Child said...

I don't remember the notes we passed in class being folded in any of those ornate styles.

ghostmmnc said...

I do remember passing notes in class with my friends. Yes, they were folded like these. We had 'cool' nicknames, too.
My girls had trapper keepers, but in my school days we just had 3 ring notebooks, some had a way you could insert a favorite picture or something into the cover. :)

John Holton said...

There was this great line on The Big Bang Theory, when Leonard was talking about his high school days, and how he had a Trapper Keper. "It was great, all your papers in one place so bullies could throw them all in the toilet."

Lady M said...

I own two pairs of 80's style leg warmers and they still keep my legs warm.