Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday 13: MTV, Olympics, Election and Seasonal Merchandise

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂  

A very odd assortment of topics today:

            Ain't this the truth (though I never bothered 
with MP3s or subscription services). And I mostly had cassettes.

Launched on this day in 1981.
Now it's nothing but crap.
I did not have it until 1989, and even then they
began de-emphasizing the videos.

And since the Olympics are happening now (though I don't watch them):

And with the election on the way:

And with stores already stocking seasonal items:


I overdid the Olympics one even though I don't watch them :) Though I liked the one with the cats (I like anything with cats).

I will be talking about the fall seasonal stuff as the fall season approaches. It's getting to be that time.

Not sure about blogging about politics, as I rarely do that. But know I'm all for Harris.

I still have a lot of CDs, but am unsure if my player still works. I can listen to a sing on Youtube when I get the urge to hear it.


Liz A. said...

I remember when MTV started as it was just a day after my birthday. (We got MTV in 1983. The first time I saw the Rolling Stones... They were so very ugly. We couldn't get over how ugly they were.) I barely had records, and now I only listen to Pandora, so I kind of skipped all those Gen X milestones with regards to music.

CountryDew said...

We bought a combination record player, radio, cassette & MP3 player for one of our anniversaries. We seldom use it as I just ask Alexa to play my favorites, but I am glad we have it. Was the thing with Jagger real?

The Gal Herself said...

I have CDs, too, but rather than play them, I just turn to Alexa. Like you, I'm not watching the Olympics but I enjoyed your Olympic cat memes. (And, like you, I'm all in for Harris.(

Lady M said...

I picked up a great little CD player at the thrift store for a reasonable cost.

colleen said...

Baby boomers are made too at all those changing forcing us to consume more. Still reading... Fun.