Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Halloween at Goodwill

in my hometown of Hollister, California.  As always there are the racks of used costumes and Target-brand costumes normally priced at $24.99 selling for $2.99 to $5.99 and clothing that the store workers think can be used for costumes such as old graduation robes and dresses and other articles of clothing that look like they could be transformed into something but you're just not sure what it could be made into.   Besides all this usual stuff,  both this year and last, the Goodwill has  scary decorations in the store as can be seen in these photos.
Sorry not to have gotten any photos, but this year they have a rack of colorful wigs that say
 "Jump back to the '80s."  Looks like the '80s are expected to be popular as a costumes this year. They are also carrying fingerless fishnet gloves.  Perhaps all this on the '80s can be another blog post later.  

The Halloween stuff has been up at Hollister Goodwill for a month now.  I plan to hit a few other thrift stores during this season to see their offerings and look for stuff for myself.  I've already been to the Gilroy Goodwill once since they've had their Halloween stuff up and their offering are pretty similar to--if not the same as--those in the Hollister store.   I really want to get to the Savers store in Salinas, since they always have a large Halloween selection. 

And about the decorations--there are several of the pumpkin-head creatures (in the photo above) placed at the edges of different clothing racks, strangely not on any of the Halloween racks.   But it sill adds to the spirit of the season.    And I'm wondering just how many kids have been scared by that large devil decoration.   And a headless pirate--how strange is that? It was difficult to photograph the pirate without getting the devil in the background.


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Headless pirate!! Very creative.


John Rozum said...

I've never had any luck at a single Goodwill/Thrift store for Halloween, anywhere that I've lived.