Monday, April 15, 2024

M: Midge


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter M

Let's take a look at Barbie's old friend who caused controversy when she was packaged as pregnant, as already noted in the Alan entry.

Midge dates back to 1963, as one of Barbie's first female friends. One of the ways she originally looked was like this:

Midge had been out of the line for years before being reintroduced in 1988 in the annual Barbie beach line. It was in 1991 that she and Alan were married. A wedding set was produced with Barbie as the maid of honor and Ken as the best man. A ring bearer named Todd and a flower girl named Kelly were also in the wedding party. It is not certain who this character Todd is supposed to be, that if he is Barbie's brother Todd who has occurred twice during the doll's history. 

An originally planned family set shown in promotional booklets of Alan and Midge with a twin boy and girl was never produced. This was supposedly inspired by the Heart Family which had been cancelled in 1990. Some thought a Midge and Alan family line would be more successful since they have clear ties to Barbie, unlike the Heart Family. The controversial "Happy Family" line did not surface until 2002. 

What might have been (above) vs.
what actually was (below). 

Here is a video on Midge's controversial history:

After her family line was discontinued, Midge disappeared until 2013 appearing in the web series Barbie: Life in the Dream House. The series ended in 2016, and Midge dolls stopped appearing once again, except for reproductions.

Skooter, an early friend of Skipper's (pictured below), was often thought to be Midge's sister. The two had some resemblances, but were never said to be sisters. Some have thought Skooter could also be Allan's sister and that Ricky could be Midge's brother, though many have thought Allan and Ricky looked like brothers. Again, none of this was never said to be true. Midge did, however, have a sister named Lila, who was featured in the Wee Friends line. And apparently another sister as well. 

Allan and Midge (top row) and
Skooter and Ricky (bottom). Any resemblances?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I had a Midge doll in the late 1960s with her bangs, curled up flip hairstyle and freckles! I never knew what became of Midge until just recently -- the pregnancy controversy was news to me!

Jeanne Bryan Insalaco said...

Love Midge... and still have my Midge from the 60's... Those freckles they gave her I always liked. I'm also writing in the A to Z. I'm writing on my DNA traits that Ancestry has given us.

Liz A. said...

So many dolls. It's amazing.

Dave Roller said...

I think my sister had a midge doll in the early 70's.Im not sure why there was so much controversy about her being pregnant. She was married.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I don't think I knew about Midge until the Barbie movie. Though who knows. My sisters had Barbies and my mom made Civil War and WWII uniforms for them she sold at craft fairs.

I should read up on the rest of your posts!
Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I only met Midge in the Barbie movie.

Ronel visiting for M: My Languishing TBR: M