Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What to Do Next

I sent in my memoir to the Blydyn Square Books publishing contest yesterday and am officially entered. I had chosen to send it by email to avoid the postage costs and to avoid using a lot of ink, and because the deadline is less than two weeks away. Otherwise, I would have stuck with postal mail as I still believe in that method. Both methods have their ups and downs. 

Now that that's over, I am deciding what to work on next. Since I already began notes for a diary sequel, I guess I can go from there. Though I'm still questioning the title of my first one! Need to think about that one more.

And just last night I had weird dream that seems like a basis of a novel. I may try to recall the dream, but am not too sure. Sometimes I can recall dreams, but not always in full. But I guess I can add details if and where necessary, if i go this route.

Also today I want to wish a Happy birthday to Stephanie Faris.


Stephanie Faris said...

Thank you, Jamie!

Sandra Cox said...

Good for you for getting it in the mail:) Wishing you much success.
Also wishing you inspiration with your dream novel.

A huge Happy BDay to Steph.

Elephant's Child said...

Congratulations. I know you did a lot of soul-searching over whether to enter. Good luck.