Challenge runs from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014
The goal is to read at least 12 Erotic Romances in 2014!
- Level 1--12 erotic romances
- Level 2--18 erotic romances
- Level 3--24 erotic romances
- Level 4--30-60 erotic romances
Added a couple extra levels for yall super readers ;)
- Level 5--61-80 erotic romances
- Level 6-- 81-100+ erotic romances
**Note**You can change your level at any time. It's just a starting point :)
**Note** I'll be adding a check list of ideas for those that would like to use that-- ex- BDSM, menage, dark erotica/romance, etc.
What counts!
- Every erotic romance you read and review in 2014
- They can be any type of erotica-- paranormal, historical, m/m, contemporary, etc
- All erotic romances over 100 pages in length--audio, ebook, print
- Re-reads, cross overs from other challenges
To Join!
- Grab the challenge button and create a post or page on your blog to track progress.
- Non-bloggers you can use your Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc profiles. Just create a 2014 Erotic Romance Reading Challenge shelf
- Link your blog starting post/page or your Goodreads/etc challenge shelf in the linky below.
- We also have a closed FB group for the challenge. To join click HERE
Sign Up HERE! Just include your Name and link to your challenge post/shelf.
Here is what I am reading for this one:
- Tangled--Emma Chase
- A Touch of Crimson--Sylvia Day
- Switch--Megan Hart
- Deeper--Megan Hart
- Suicide Blonde--Darcey Steinke
- Bared to You--Sylvia Day