Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Epistolary Reading Challenge 2020

Once again, I'm bringing back the Epistolary challenge.

Definition of an Epistolary Novel (from Wikipedia):
An epistolary novel is a novel written as a series of documents. The usual form is letters, although diary entries,newspaper clippings and other documents are sometimes used. Recently, electronic "documents" such as recordings and radio, blogs, and e-mails have also come into use. The word epistolary is derived from Latin from the Greek word ἐπιστολή epistolē, meaning a letter (see epistle).

The epistolary form can add greater realism to a story, because it mimics the workings of real life. It is thus able to demonstrate differing points of view without recourse to the device of an omniscient narrator.  

The challenge, then, will be to read books written in the form of letters, diaries, blogs, e-mails and such, either completely or partially written this way. Here are some links to get some reading ideas:
Goodreads Best Diary Novels
Goodreads YA Diary Novels
List of Fictional Diaries
7 Variations on the Epistolary Novel


  • Challenge will run from January 1 to December 31, 2020.  Books must be started on or after January 1 to count.  Re-reads will be allowed as long as they are read during the specified time period.
  • Books may cross over to other challenges in which you are participating.  
  • Fiction (all genres and subgenres) and nonfiction that fit the challenge description may be read.
  • All book formats are allowed (paper, audio, electronic, graphic novels/manga, picture books). 
  • Please link back to this blog, post about it on Facebook, Tweet about it, and so on to help spread the word.
  • There will be no levels.  I will let you choose how many books to read.
  • You do not need a blog to sign up.  You may keep tract of your progress on Goodreads, Amazon or other similar sites with a shelf dedicated to this challenge.  Or sign up on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • You do not need to post reviews, nor will there be any check-ins.

NOTE: I am removing linkys for this challenge, and closing signups for the remainder of 2020. Challenge signups for 2021 will be coming soon.


Elephant's Child said...

A genre I love.

Sandra Cox said...

Have fun.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope your day is productive and your evening pleasant.

Jamie Ghione said...

Yes, that would be fine.

Donnisha said...

This is not a genre that I read often so my goal is read at least 3 books this year.