Whatever I Think Of!
My collection of random thoughts and ideas
Sunday, March 9, 2025
2025 Blogging A to Z Theme Reveal
Friday, March 7, 2025
Five Years Ago
This came up on my Facebook memories today, from 2020:
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Book Humor--Thursday 13
Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂
In honor of having a new bookstore in town and making my first purchase this past Saturday at a signing, I picked some cartoons about books. Some I had saved a year or more ago. Some I've shared already, some I haven't.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Book Signing & First Purchase From New Bookstore
As I have said, my hometown has a new bookstore, the first in more than 20 years. This past Saturday, there was a book signing, at which I made my first purchase. The Author (seen below in the green shirt) is Rachel M. Yoldi and her book is Lady Nightmare.
It was fun to attend a signing. The last such event I remember in my hometown was about 12 years ago when the former owner of a local bar had a signing for her self-published memoir at the bar. Our last bookstore had closed two or more years prior to that time. I now more than ever want to get one or more of my books published so I can possibly hold a signing at the new bookstore. I'm now considering Amazon self-publishing even more now. The author at the recent signing used hybrid publishing at this website which I have just now begun to look at.
Monday, March 3, 2025
March Bookish Bingo
The new card is here.
My Books:
- The Story of Peter Pan--Daniel O'Connor (3 squares): Audiobook, Wizard, Sacrifice
- Courage Out Loud--Joseph Coelho (1 square): E-book
- The Signature of All Things--Elizabeth Gilbert (11 squares): Shelf Love, Physical Book, Book Club, Not in a Series, Free Space, Green on the Cover, Tragic Back Story, Science-y, Betrayal, Immense World Building, Not Fantasy
- It Happened One Summer--Tessa Bailey (2 squares): In a Series, NA
- Big Magic--Elizabeth Gilbert ( squares): Library Book, Same Author/Different Genre, How-To
Friday, February 28, 2025
Slow at Writing This Month
The shortest month of the year (which often seems longer than it really is!) has come to the end today. I've not been on the blog much this month. Weird weather and fatigue mostly kept me away. And I still haven't gotten back to writing. Again, the weird weather takes my energy away. I scrambled to get in at least one Thursday 13 post and one Book Discussion post before the month was over.
As soon as I decide on my A to Z theme, I will begin drafting and scheduling my posts for April. Last year's A to Z was when I first learned how to schedule posts. How I did not know about it until then, I don't know, but I do now. I didn't begin the schedule-posting until fifth day of the A to Z. With a medical procedure I had that month, I figured this was the way to go, as well as timeliness of the challenge posting. This year, all alphabet posts will be scheduled to give me more time to see and comment on other participants' posts. (No colonoscopy needed this year--they said in five years 😊). And as I said earlier, I'm trying to limit my non-A to Z posts in April to Sundays, and don't know how the Thursday 13 will play out then. I will likely make any other posts that month the day of, only scheduling the alphabetical posts ahead of time.
Since I plan to begin my A to Z posts next month, I don't know how often I'll be on the blog in March. I will be sure to get in at least one Thursday 13 and one Book Discussion post, as I did this month.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Book Discussion: Book Buying & New Bookstore in Town
When I began participating in the challenge last year, the subject of book buying came up twice (here and here). In recent months, I have only bought two new books when in Gilroy and stopping at Barnes & Noble in January. I was there again last Sunday, but did not make any purchases this time. And as far as getting used books at Goodwill or other thrift stores, there has not been much lately that I have wanted to buy; as such I have not added much to my already growing pile. I am currently trying to read from my stacks at home, but still want to visit the library again soon, likely after the first of next month. And I skipped this month's book sale at the library. I wasn't sure about going at first, but a last-minute driving request from a friend made me decide against it. The last few months I'd gone to the sale, I did not buy anything. Obviously not much has caught my interest lately, except the two books I got at B&N in January. And it's been some time since I ordered books (or other things) on Amazon.
And as I have may have mentioned already, my hometown has a new bookstore, the first one in more than 20 years. I was excited to learn about this. I have visited several times already, once before the grand opening. Nothing purchased just yet. A little pricy, but if something catches my interest eventually, I will get it. It's always fun just to look.
How much book buying do you tend to do?