1. Apples to Apples Fruit on the cover
2. Axix & Allies Set during WWII
3. Backgammon A classic
4. Balderdash Title contains a strange or obscure word
5. Bananagrams Yellow cover
6. Barrel O' Monkeys Animals are important to the story
7. Battleship Takes place on or in water
8. Boggle A book that kept you guessing
9. Candy Land A sweet read
10. Cards Against Humanity A book containing irreverent humor
11. Checkers Black and white or black and red cover
12. Chess Features royalty
13. Chinese Checkers A translated book
14. Chutes N' Ladders A book with several plot twists
15. Clue A locked room mystery
16. Concentration A complex read
17. Connect Four Part of a 4-book series OR 4th in a larger series
18. Cranium Title contains the word "cat", "head", "star", or "word"
19. Dominoes Part of a duology
20. Don't Break the Ice Set in a cold climate
21. Guess Who Mysterious villain
22. Hi Ho Cherry-O Rhyming title
23. Hungry Hungry Hippos Alliterative title
24. Jenga Tall tower or tall building on the cover
25. Mahjong Set in the 19th century
26. Mancala Set in Africa
27. Mastermind Features codes/code breaking
28. Monopoly Features a wealthy character
29. Mouse Trap Features a set up
30. Operation MC is in the medical field
31. Othello Shakespeare play or retelling
32. Parcheesi Set in India
33. Perfection A tense read
34. Phase 10 Number in the title
35. Pictionary A book with illustrations
36. Risk A book with a map
37. Rummikub Face on the cover
38. Scattergories Published in the 1980s
39. Scrabble Buddy read
40. Sequence Features STEM
41. Settlers of Catan Characters are settlers/pioneers
42. Simon MC's name is in the title
43. Skip-Bo Next book in a series you've already started
44. Sorry A book you wish you hadn't read
45. Stratego Character is in the military
46. Taboo A banned book
47. The Farming Game Character is a farmer or set on a farm/ranch
48. The Game of Life Life story (fiction or nonfiction)
49. Ticket to Ride Character travels by train
50. Trivial Pursuit A nonfiction read that taught you something new
51. Trouble Multiple character quest
52. Twister Red, yellow, green, & blue on the cover
53. Uno One word title
54. Yahtzee A retelling