Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Older I Get...

...the more something like a birthday becomes meaningless. To me, mine (which was yesterday) was just another reminder  that I'm just getting older. Having been sick, as well as going through foul weather where I live didn't put me in much of a celebratory mode. But I got plenty well wishes on Facebook yesterday. And when I let the others at the center I attend and work at know yesterday, they sang "Happy Birthday" to me. Still I wish I could have had an "extra-special day" somehow.

I’m Not Getting Old I’m Getting Better – Birthday Quote | Birthday | Forward this Picture

Yes, I have heard this phrase before.  And as I came home from my psychiatrist appointment today I wondered, "Better at what?" I still have feelings of inferiority, thinking others have had things better than I have. Yesterday, I began to feel that writing a memoir wasn't a good idea if you're not famous, even though I've been working on it nearly a year now.  Just more depression setting in.

I'm feeling OK now, I guess I can say.

How do birthdays come to you as you get older?

1 comment:

Anja K. said...

Hi Jamie - Happy Belated Birthday! Mine was the 4th, so I just had one too. As I get older, to me, it's kind of just another day, if that makes sense. I didn't put my birthday on my FB profile and people tend to forget it because it's so close to the holidays and etc., so for me it's pretty low key. I also struggle with feeling like life is generally easier for other people than it is for me - I'm trying to focus on the things I enjoy doing and also participate more this year to take my thoughts away from that kind of stuff. Which is a long way of saying that I am usually bad at making comments on blogs that I like to visit and read, and I want to do better in 2017, so I came by here to let you know that I enjoyed your Literary Loners challenge in 2016 - I read 16 books for it - here's the post with the review links. Thanks for hosting it - I look forward to reading your book reviews in 2017 and commenting! :)