Begins 3/1/15, No deadline
As with all of our no-deadline challenges, sign-ups will be accepted for one year after the start date.
Sign-up Deadline is 3/1/16.
Most everyone has tasted a Jelly Belly jelly bean, but did you know...?
* They are gluten free, peanut free, dairy free, fat free, and vegetarian friendly.
* Certified OU Kosher.
* Each jelly bean is 4 calories.
* 25 jelly beans weigh approximately 1 ounce.
* Made in more than 100 different flavors.
* After 20 years, Peanut Butter flavor was retired.
Because this is one of our crazier crazy challenges, we are offering a choice of levels that you can complete, depending on just how crazy you are!
Thanks to Barb for creating this monster challenge!
LEVELS - Choose which level you intend to complete when you sign up. (You can change your mind later.)
PENNY CANDY - Complete all 50 scavenger tasks. I will be choosing this level.
SAMPLER - Spell only Beanboozled flavors.
HONEYDUKES REGULAR (For those who don't know, Honeydukes is a sweets shop in the Harry Potter world.) - Spell only Bertie Bott's flavors.
SWEET TOOTH - Spell only Miscellaneous Favorite and Retired flavors.
SUGAR COATED - Spell out ALL flavors.
CONFECTION CONNOISSEUR - Choose 30 scavenger tasks AND spell Bertie Bott's flavors. (You get a "discount" on the scavenger tasks for doing a spelling section too.)
SUGAR FREAK - Choose 30 scavenger tasks AND spell Miscellaneous Favorite and Retired flavors (You get a "discount" on the scavenger tasks for doing a spelling section too.)
GLUTTON - Complete all 50 scavenger tasks AND spell out ALL flavors.
♦ If you want to participate in a challenge, please sign up by posting at least a partial list of the challenge requirements. This gives us a post to link you to, which you can use to update your books as the challenge progresses.
♦ Unless otherwise noted, books must be at least 150 pages long. Books may only be used for one task in this challenge, but cross-challenge posting is encouraged :) Re-reads are allowed, as long as you read the entire book and not simply skim through it.
♦ For each book you read, please post a link to the title, and indicate the author and the date you finished reading it. If a challenge task gives several options, please make it clear which option you’ve chosen. If the task calls for an item on the cover, include a link to the book cover. If it’s not obvious from the book title or cover, be sure to explain how your book fits the task. If you don’t, you won’t get credit for completing that task.
* If you don’t know how to post a link to the book title, cover or author, see the instructions here:
Add a link to the book title, book cover and/or author
♦ If you choose one of the spelling options, you may use the first letter of the first word in the book’s title – excluding A, An and The – the author’s first or last initial (middle names or initials can NOT be used), or the FIRST initial of a main character from the book.
♦ When you complete the challenge, please post your entire list as a new message to make it easier for everyone to see what you’ve read :) If you don’t repost your list, your name will not be added to the list of those who have completed the challenge. Link
7-Up – Read a book with a number in the title. One Day--David Nicholls
A&W Cream Soda – Read a book with “AND” in the title. Maigret and the Loner--Georges Simenon
A&W Root Beer – Read a book with at least one consecutive double letter in the author’s first or last name (Steve BeRRy, SaMMi Carter, David BaldaCCi). Just Desserts--G.A. McKevett
Apple Pie A La Coldstone – Read a book with a dessert on the cover or in the title. The Cupcake Queen--Heather Hepler
Berry Blue – Read a book with a cover that is at least 50% blue. Bet Me--Jennifer Crusie

Birthday Cake Remix Cold Stone – Read a book in which a celebration of some sort occurs.
Gossamer Ghost--Laura Childs (Halloween)
Bubble Gum – Read a YA book. Art Geeks and Prom Queens--Alyson Noel
Buttered Popcorn – Read a book that you couldn’t put down. The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop--Lewis Buzbee
Candy Corn – Read a book with some sort of candy on the cover or in the title. Candy Apple Dead--
Sammi Carter

Cantaloupe – Read a book with a round object occupying at least 25% of the cover.
The Poison Apples--Lily Archer

Cappuccino – Read a thriller. The Girl on the Train--Paula Hawkins
Caramel Corn – Read a book that is “sweet.” The Sweet Spot--Stephanie Evanovich
Chocolate Devotion Cold Stone – Read a book from your favorite genre. Laguna Cove--Alyson Noel
Chocolate Pudding – Read a book with a cover that is more than 50% chocolate brown.
Storm Front--Jim Butcher

Cinnamon – Read a book whose title begins with "C" (disregard A, An and The). The Chocolate Cat Caper---Joanna Carl
Cotton Candy – Read a book with a cover that is more than 50% pink. Pink Ice--Susanna Carr

Crushed Pineapple – Read a book set in a tropical climate. Sunset in St. Tropez--Danielle Steel
Dr. Pepper – Read a book with a character who is a doctor or nurse. For All Their Lives--Fern Michaels
French Vanilla – Read a book set in a European country. Outlander--Diana Gabaldon
Grape Crush – Read a book with a cover that is more than 50% purple The Diamond Slipper--Jane Feather

Green Apple – Read a book with a fruit on the cover or in the title. Strawberry Girl--Lois Lenski
Honey Bean – Read a book by an author whose first OR last initial is "H" or "B."
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall--Anne Bronte
Island Punch – Read a book in which at least one scene occurs on an island. A Salty Piece of Land--Jimmy Buffett
Juicy Pear – Read a book with a beverage on the cover or in the title. The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul--Deborah Rodriguez
Lemon Drop – Read a book with a cover that is at least 50% yellow. Don't Look Down--Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

Mango – Read a book with the word “MAN,” intact, in the title or the author’s name. The House on Mango Street--Sandra Cisneros
Margarita – Read a book whose cover is at least 50% green. Cat With an Emerald Eye--Carole Nelson Douglas

Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip – Read a book whose title includes at least one repeated word.
Hush, Hush--Becca Fitzpatrick
Mixed Berry Smoothie – Read a book that combines two of your favorite genres (historical fiction AND mystery, for example). Wuthering Heights--Emily Bronte
Mojito – Read a book that relaxes you. Suddenly You--Lisa Kleypas
Orange Crush – Read a book by an author whose first AND last initial can be found in ORANGECRUSH. Not Another Bad Date--Rachel Gibson
Orange Sherbet – Read a book set in a cold climate. Ice Kissed--Amanda Hocking
Our Strawberry Blonde – Read a book with a blonde on the cover. Hannah--Hannah Westberg

Peach – Read a book by an author whose first OR last initial is "P." The Queen Geek Social Club--Laura Preble
Peach Bellini – Read a book whose cover is at least 50% orange. Carrot Cake Murder--Joanne Fluke

Plum – Read a book whose title begins with "P" (ALL WORDS COUNT, including A, An and The).
Pride and Prejudice--Jane Austen
Pomegranate – Read a book that a friend recommended to you. This Present Darkness--Frank E. Peretti
Pomegranate Cosmo – Read a book in which the first letter of EVERY WORD of the title can be found in POMEGRANATECOSMO (minimum three words; to use a letter more than once, it must appear more than once). Cream Puff Murder--Joanne Fluke
Red Apple – Read a book by one of your favorite authors. Little Bitty Lies--Mary Kay Andrews
Sizzling Cinnamon – Read a romance (any kind – romantic-suspense, paranormal romance, ‘pure’ romance, whatever). Light of the Moon--Luanne Rice
Strawberry Cheesecake – Read a book whose cover is at least 50% white. The One--Kiera Cass
Strawberry Daiquiri – Read a book with snow and/or ice on the cover. Frostfire--Amanda Hocking

Strawberry Jam – Read a book whose cover is at least 50% red. Assault and Pepper--Tamar Myers

Sunkist Lemon – Read a book with the sun on the cover . Hot Pursuit--Kathryn Jensen

Sunkist Orange – Read a book with a grove of trees or a forest on the cover.
Blue Ridge Reunion--Mia Ross

Toasted Marshmallow – Read a book of short stories. Summer Days--Lisa Jackson
Top Banana – Read the book that is currently at the top of your TBR pile. Murder Past Due--Miranda James
Tutti-Frutti– Read a book whose cover is at least three BRIGHT colors. Oh My Stars--Lorna Landvik

Watermelon – Read a book set in the summer. Second Chance Summer--Morgan Matson
Wild Blackberry – Read a book whose cover is at least 50% black. 1st to Die--James Patterson

Challenge completed on October 31
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