Friday, May 31, 2024

Erin's Book Challenge 21.0

This is hosted at a private Facebook group.

Book Challenge by Erin 21.0 – Categories
• 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages:
• 10 points: Read a book with a two-word title (note: articles A, AN or THE count as a word):
• 10 points: Read a book from this Goodreads list: *Best Books of 2024 (so far)* (
• 15 points: Read a book because you loved the cover art when you saw the book:
• 20 points: Read a book which is set in more than one country (each country should have a significant role, can't be that first page is set in one country, and then rest in another):
• 20 points: Read a book with a protagonist who plays or coaches a sport or is a member of a sports team:
• 25 points: Read a book with one of the following words in the title: second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year:
• 30 points: Read a book with a mode of transportation on the cover art (e.g. train, car, boat, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane…I’d even accept a spaceship!):
• 30 points: Read a book with a punctuation mark in the title (e.g. comma, apostrophe, hyphen, colon, question mark):
• 35 points: Read a book with a protagonist who is unemployed or changing jobs:


My name is Erika. said...

I like how this reading is pretty open and based on points. Have you picked out any books yet?

Samantha@WLABB said...

I like this challenge. It has a lot of interesting prompts. Good luck!