Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Creativity Reading Challenge 2025

And my last one for 2025:


This challenge is about reading books on creativity, art, crafts, writing, film making, photography, cosmetology, DIY, cooking, music and any other topic that helps you live a more creative life. 

Challenge Guidelines

  • Runs January 1 to December 31, 2024. 
  • I won't be creating different levels. Read as many books as you want.
  • Books may be nonfiction, memoir, how-to, self help, coffee table books, instructional, picture books, and even fictional books if they are about people who are creative.
  • You may include books of any format including traditional books, ebooks or audiobooks
  • You may reread books. 
  • Books may count towards other reading challenges in which you are participating.
  • Sign up below in the comments. 

Need ideas for reading? Here are some links to get started:

40 of the Best Books to Unlock Your Creativity

Fiction Books Involving Art

11 Essential Art History Books

My Books:

  1. The Rom-Commers--Katherine Center
  2. The Quilts of Gee's Bend--Susan Goldman Rubin
  3. Tweet Cute--Emma Lord

1 comment:

Lisa Pineo said...

I love this challenge! The ones I do are usually more structured with prompts for each week or month but I like that I can read across a broad range of books for this. Thanks for the idea! I'll tag you on Insta when I post my reviews. Do you have any tags or anything you want me to use?