Sunday, October 25, 2015

Literary Loners Reading Challenge 2016

After years of participating in other blogs's reading challenges, I decided to try hosting one myself for next year.  I'd though of doing one for some time, but never had any ideas for one until recently.  


Literary Loners Reading Challenge 2016

There will be two options for this challenge and you may choose one or both.  The first option is to read books featuring a character identified as a loner, outcast, recluse, wallflower, or introvert. This can be the main character (such as Bella from Twilight or Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower) or a secondary one (such as Miss Havisham from Great Expectations or Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird).  The second option will be to read works written by writers known to have been loners or recluses. The great poet Emily Dickinson was very much a loner as was author J.D. Salinger,  and this link says the ancient Greek playwright Euripides was something of a loner.  A biography of such writers may be read as well.  For more reading suggestions, see the following links:

A Look at Loners in Literature
The Top 10 Loners in Literature
Fictional Loners Books
5 Books About Loners
Goodreads lists
Why Do We Love Literary Lone Wolves?

You are by no means limited to reading what is suggested in the links.  Any books you find that fit the challenge description may be read.  

Guidelines for the Challenge

  • Challenge will run from January 1 to December 31, 2016.  Books must be started on or after January 1 to count.  Re-reads will be allowed as long as they are read during the specified time period.
  • Books may cross over to other challenges in which you are participating.  
  • Fiction (all genres and subgenres), nonfiction, poetry collections and plays that fit the challenge description may be read.
  • All book formats are allowed (paper, audio, electronic, graphic novels/manga). 
  • Please link back to this blog, post about it on Facebook, Tweet about it, and so on to help spread the word.
  • I will not be creating levels.  I will leave it up to you to decide how many books to read. 
  • You do not need a blog to sign up.  You may keep tract of your progress on Goodreads, Amazon or other similar sites with a shelf dedicated to this challenge.  Or sign up on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • You do not need to post reviews, nor will there be any check-ins.

Sign up below with a direct link to your signup post, and please feel free to leave a comment after linking. 

Have fun, and I look forward to seeing what you choose to read. 


Kathryn T said...

Jamie, sounds like a great idea for a challenge. I see you've linked it to a Novel Reading Challenge, so once people get up and running with 2016 hope you get a good number of partipants - it has a good point of uniqueness.
Yes I am doing the Full House reading challenge again, but need to work on it before announcing!

Jamie Ghione said...

Thank you. I've been planning this for months now.

Sherrie said...

Hi Jamie,
I've posted at my place about his challenge. Looking forward to reading some great books for this challenge. Have a great day!

Jamie Ghione said...

Hi, Sherrie. Thanks for joining! You are the first ;-) And you've posted your book choices ahead of time. Some good ones.

Book Dragon said...

Hi Jamie,

I'm thinking about this one, congrats on hosting your first challenge! Bea's Book Nook is taking over the picture book one and plans to post on the 1st. I'll be joining too so search for her or watch my blog for my post.

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks for joining!

Julie said...

Well, Jamie, you talked me into it! It sounds like fun!

Jamie Ghione said...

Glad to have you on board!

Lory said...

What an interesting idea for a challenge! I have a book about Emily Dickinson waiting for me...I'm sure I'll find many more "loners" in the course of the Reading New England Challenge as well.

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks. I'd love to have you join!

RTD6550 said...

Hey, this sounds like an interesting challenge, and I will probably wedge this into my 2016 reading calendar at Beyond Eastrod (which now includes the Hard Core Re-Read Challenge and the Reading English 2016 Challenge). Later today or soon thereafter, I'll have your challenge highlighted at my site. Onward!

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks. I'd love to have you join.

RTD6550 said...

Jamie, my posting is up.
My list is expandable, so, Jamie (and others) feel free to recommend "loners" titles that you think might be especially worthwhile.

Jamie Ghione said...

Thank you for joining!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie! This sounds great, thank you. I'm in! I have only just seen this and I'll officially sign up once I've done a bit of research to compile my list.

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks. Love to have you join :-)

RTD6550 said...

Oops! There was an error/deletion in my blog, and I've had to rewrite and repost my participation announcement. Here is the link:
Do I need to re-register above?

Jamie Ghione said...

Please enter your new link, OK. I've deleted your old one.

RTD6550 said...

Thanks! Done!

RTD6550 said...

And here is the link to my posted "reading list" for the challenge:
Let the readings and postings soon begin! I really look forward to the coming year.

Kimberly said...

Sounds like a great challenge! Thank you for hosting - I'm in!

Anja K. said...

This one sounds fun, I look forward to it! :)

Jamie Ghione said...

Glad to see you join!

Padmajha said...

Thanks for letting me know about this challenge Jamie. I have signed up and looking forward to start :)

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks for joining!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I appreciate the links for places to find appropriate books/authors, Jamie!

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks. I looked for those so that participants could find some ideas on what to read. Thanks for joining.

Serena said...

This sounds fun! I'll have to think about what books I want to read.

Book Dragon said...

Jamie Ghione said...

Thanks, but I already saw that and signed up. I just read my first two picture books of the year today.

Kate said...

This is a cool chalenge :D I found out i read 12 books about loners while i had known nothing about the challenge. I guess I enjoy eading about loners cause I am one too... Aiming for 20 books :)

Jamie Ghione said...

Glad to have you join :-)

Sue said...

This has been a fun challenge! Thanks for hosting. I wrote a wrap-up post with my list of books.

J.G. said...

Hi, Jamie! I'll be signing up as soon as I pick out the books! Meanwhile, here's the Birth Year Reading Challenge post, if you're interested (no pressure!):

Anja K. said...

This was a fun challenge in 2016, thanks for hosting! I ended up reading 16 books.