As I continue on my journey of rewriting my memoir and trying to decide when I think it's finished enough to find an editor, I will be taking a community education class on memoir writing. It is titled "YOUR Story Matters: Memoir Writing--Beginning." I'm not sure whether to classify myself as beginner still, but I can hardly call myself an expert just yet. But everyone I knew who saw this in the schedule of community education classes at the local community college immediately thought of me when they saw this. I need as much advice on writing memoirs as I can get, and I think this will be helpful.
The class starts this Wednesday night and will run for three weeks. It's done in-class at the college library. The college also offers several online writing class for different types of writing. Among the topics are writing for kids, keys to effective editing, mystery writing, and travel writing. I'm trying to decide if I want to take any of these or one of the others offered.
It does sound promising. Good luck.
I think the key to effective editing would be worth looking at as well. Editing is never easy.
Everyone can always improve and learn. I think taking classes is great.
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