Thursday, December 19, 2024

Still More Christmas Fun--Thursday 13

Colleen at The Thursday 13 holds a weekly blogging prompt where bloggers make a list of 13 things on Thursdays. The topic is for you to choose. The blog host doesn't have any official graphics to display on the Thursday 13 posts, so I decided to whip one up myself. 🙂  

With Christmas less than a week away, here are some more Christmas funnies. I told you I wasn't done yet! Some are old, some are new.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas Fun Keeps Coming

Here are more, and I'm still not done yet!

Fairytale Reading Challenge 2025

 Doing this one again. The challenge is to read the original fairy tale or a retelling.













Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Book Bingo and Reading Challenge: #ReadQueerly2025

 Will be doing this again, getting as many and filing as many squares as I can.

The goal, as always: read books focusing on LGBTQ+ characters and stories. New releases, upcoming releases, backlist titles, fiction, nonfiction—these are all okay as long as they feature queer main characters/cast and fit our prompts!

Of course, there’s a book bingo and review template waiting for you! For the prompts this year, there’s a bit more focus on new themes and topics (Robots and mechas, anyone?). Different prompts for authors of color are still here! (“SWANA” in the SWANA Author prompt refers to Southwest Asia and North Africa).

Here’s a full list of the #ReadQueerly2025 prompts!

  1. Food
  2. API Author
  3. Poetry/Novel in verse
  4. Religious trauma
  5. Music
  6. Novella
  7. Sports
  8. Graphic novel/manga
  9. Death/Necromancy/Reincarnation
  10. Latinx/Latine Author
  11. Black Author
  12. Plus size/fat rep
  13. FREE
  14. Time travel
  15. Disability/Neurodiversity rep
  16. New to You Author
  17. Robots/Mechas/AI
  18. Anthology
  19. Roadtrip/Traveling
  20. Indigenous Author
  21. Winter holiday romance
  22. Indie Author/Book
  23. SWANA Author
  24. Genre-bending Book
  25. Drag

13 Moons Reading Challenge 2025

 This was a new one to me this year, and I can't resist joining again. I will try to get one at least one beak for each category, then see how much farther I can go with the list.

Rules & Levels

The rules for this reading challenge are simple. First of all, this is just for fun so no need to feel pressured into doing anything or reading anything you don’t want to. You can also be flexible with the prompts if you choose to do so. The challenge will run from January 1st, 2025 till December 31st, 2025.

There are a total of 104 reading prompts divided into 13 categories. There is a list of levels given and you can choose which level you wish to participate in based on your preference. The levels you can participate in are as follows:

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: 13 books — fulfill one prompt from each category 

Partial Lunar Eclipse: 26 books — fulfill at least one prompt from each category

Central Lunar Eclipse: 52 books — fulfill at least one prompt from each category

Total Lunar Eclipse: 104 books — fulfill all the prompts

The reading challenge is given below. You can choose which level you want to go for and choose your prompts accordingly. So without further ado, here is the 13 Moons reading challenge 2025.

Wolf Moon

  • Mythology retelling
  • The word ‘Dance’ in the title
  • Book with a character who journals
  • Reread a book you had to read in High School
  • Candle on the cover
  • The word ‘Bite’ in the title
  • Book featuring a Restaurant
  • Book featuring something Red

Snow Moon

  • Book about a Cyborg
  • Book set on an Island
  • Book about Puzzles
  • Book about your favorite trope
  • Borrow a book from the Library
  • Book featuring something Purple
  • Book about an ‘Ice Queen’
  • Book about Dreams

Worm Moon

  • Read a book that scares you
  • Read the Fifth book on your TBR
  • Book featuring something Light Blue
  • Start a book at 4PM or 16:00
  • Ladybug on the cover
  • A book you think helps you get out of a reading slump
  • Read a book by the Window
  • Book with the word ‘Salt’ in the title 

Pink Moon

  • Book featuring Religion
  • This is the Fourth book you read
  • Start a Middle Grade series
  • Book about Star-Crossed lovers 
  • Book featuring something White
  • Book with a Step-Parent
  • Boots on the cover
  • Book about a Writer

Flower Moon

  • Start a book before Sunrise
  • Book featuring something Green
  • Book that starts with your favorite letter
  • Book featuring the Moon
  • Book about Dragons
  • Book about your favorite hobby
  • Book by an indigenous author 
  • Butterfly on the cover

Strawberry Moon

  • Book featuring something Silver
  • Book about a natural phenomenon
  • Read or listen to a book while traveling
  • Book with a character with the same profession as yours
  • Read a Dark Academia
  • Book inspired by your favorite movie
  • Book with Eyes on the cover
  • Book about Lies 

Buck Moon

  • Handbag on the cover
  • Word ‘Fish’ in the title
  • Book with a character in their Thirties
  • Book about going back in time 
  • Book with a Spaceship
  • Book written by a Ghostwriter
  • Book featuring something Pink 
  • Wheels on the cover 

Sturgeon Moon

  • Start a book during a Full Moon
  • Number in the title
  • Book with a Metal in the title
  • Book with a Rainbow
  • Sandals on the cover 
  • Book that has been translated to a different language
  • Book featuring something Orange
  • Book with a Talking Mirror

Harvest Moon

  • Read or listen to a book while practicing a hobby
  • Start a book on the 15th of the month 
  • Book with an Albino character
  • Book about a Thief
  • Book featuring something Blue
  • A dark retelling
  • Read a FanFiction
  • Book with the main character over Forty 

Hunter’s Moon

  • Book with a made up language 
  • Read a book from an Online Platform
  • Book you’ll fight to read
  • Book featuring something Black
  • A Waste Basket on the cover 
  • Book you think Cures boredom
  • A Whimsical book
  • Book that is always on your TBR that you never get to read 

Beaver Moon

  • Read a Steamy Romance 
  • Title with the word generated from a random word generator
  • Book cover in the color of your favorite fruit
  • Swan on the cover
  • Bridge on the cover or in the title
  • Book featuring something Maroon
  • Book about a Dentist 
  • Book with the Golden Trio trope

Cold Moon

  • Read a book under a blanket
  • Book with a Peppermint Cane on the cover
  • A Holiday romance
  • Book featuring something Turquoise 
  • Ice Cubes on the cover
  • A mystery thriller set in a cold region
  • Book you think will make you shiver
  • Read a book while wearing socks

Blue Moon

  • Book by an author who has written no more than one book or series 
  • Book featuring something Golden
  • Book you consider a Rare find
  • Book with a character with a Rare ability
  • Book from a region which experiences the Blue Hour
  • A book gifted to you
  • Book featuring Triplets
  • Book from a versatile author

16 Years of Blogging

I just now remembered that I started this blog on December 15, 2008, 16 years this past Sunday. I can't believe it's been that long and that I'm still here! Many of my early posts were seemingly ignored, with no comments. M=y posts were often just random stuff (which I still do today). But it got better once the years went on. Now I have some regular commenters/visitors. And many blogs I read and comment on as well. Some blogs I read early on have disappeared, or are still out there but haven't been updated in years. I stopped following many of those blogs at some point. But there are many I follow now.

This soon-to-be past year, I began participating in two new-to-me blogging events. One is the Book Blogging Challenge. After years of looking at the sites that co-host this event (and perusing through some of the participants' posts), I decided to join this year.  

Since this was my first time, I aimed for the first level (see below), but as of now  have reached the third one. I plan to do at least one more post this year. It's been fun and I will join again. The sign up post at the host blogs will be up later this month.

The Levels:

1-10 – Discussion Dabbler  ⬅️ My Goal
11-20 – Creative Conversationalist
21-30 – Chatty Kathy
31-40 – Terrifically Talkative
41+ – Gift of the Gab

Another new blogging challenge I discovered this year is The Thursday 13. I found about it at the beginning of the year, but didn't begin participating until June. I've been going at since then, though I missed some weeks in September and November.  I already have my post for this week scheduled. I've even combined the Thursday 13 with the Book Discussion Challenge a few times. I like how the Thursday 13 allows bloggers to choose a topic for their posts.  Since they don't have any official graphics for Thursday 13 posts, I made one myself because I felt my posts need one. I plan to do this one again in 2025, whether or not I get to it each week.

And since 2021, I've been doing the A to Z Blogging each April. It wasn't until that year, that I got brave enough to take the plunge into this yearly challenge. I'd seen A to Z posts on there people's blogs and wondered if I would ever join them. I plan to join in 2025, if I can find a theme. I have some in mind, I just have to narrow them down by March, when the theme reveals and the signups begin. The host blog already has the them reveal graphics for next year!

It wasn't until 2013 that I began getting into various reading challenge. I began hosting my own around 2016. For those of you who might be wondering, books can cross over between challenges.  I already have "Sunrise or sunset on the cover" twice for the coming year, for example, so I plan to use the same book for both. 

See you again in 2025.  How many years have you been on your blogs?