Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Book Bingo and Reading Challenge: #ReadQueerly2025

 Will be doing this again, getting as many and filing as many squares as I can.

The goal, as always: read books focusing on LGBTQ+ characters and stories. New releases, upcoming releases, backlist titles, fiction, nonfiction—these are all okay as long as they feature queer main characters/cast and fit our prompts!

Of course, there’s a book bingo and review template waiting for you! For the prompts this year, there’s a bit more focus on new themes and topics (Robots and mechas, anyone?). Different prompts for authors of color are still here! (“SWANA” in the SWANA Author prompt refers to Southwest Asia and North Africa).

Here’s a full list of the #ReadQueerly2025 prompts!

  1. Food
  2. API Author
  3. Poetry/Novel in verse
  4. Religious trauma
  5. Music
  6. Novella
  7. Sports
  8. Graphic novel/manga
  9. Death/Necromancy/Reincarnation
  10. Latinx/Latine Author
  11. Black Author: Nightcrawling--Leila Mottley
  12. Plus size/fat rep
  13. FREE
  14. Time travel
  15. Disability/Neurodiversity rep
  16. New to You Author
  17. Robots/Mechas/AI: Tweet Cute--Emma Lord
  18. Anthology
  19. Roadtrip/Traveling
  20. Indigenous Author
  21. Winter holiday romance
  22. Indie Author/Book
  23. SWANA Author
  24. Genre-bending Book
  25. Drag
Other Books Read:

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