Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Picture Prompt Book Bingo Challenge for 2025

 This was a new one to me this past year. I will be joining again. 

The 2025 Picture Prompt Book Bingo card. Text version can be found at bottom of this post.
If you’re new to the Picture Prompt Bingo – it’s a loosey goosey reading challenge in which you match up books that you’ve read with pictures on the bingo card. The key thing being that you can be as creative in your interpretation of the picture as you like. For example, looking at the flint knapped knife blade in the top left corner: this could suggest to you a book that was set in a prehistoric(-like) period, or a story about a character who practises a craft or specialist skill; you may read something that has the word ‘knife’ in the title; or perhaps you’ll read a book about an ancient item being rediscovered. As long as you’re happy with the connection you make between the book and the image, it’s all good.
1. A prehistoric flint knapped stone knife:  The Mammoth Hunters--Jean M. Auel
2. A lighthouse: Lalani of the Distant Sea--Erin Entrada Kelly
3. An apple on a leafy branch:
4. An archery target with three arrows in it:
5. A very large mechanical telescope:
6. A human skull:
7. A stag:
8. The ruins of a temple-like structure:
9. A crab:
10. A sheaf of wheat: East of Eden--John Steinbeck
11. An old mechanical typewriter:
12. A cluster of four mushrooms:
13. A fringed umbrella/parasol:
14. A chemistry set-up of bottles and tubes:
15. A stylized sun with a human face:
16. A Roman helmet:

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