Sunday, January 21, 2024

Picture Prompt Book Bingo Challenge 2024

I was sure I was done signing up for challenges, but got tempted by this one. I had known about it since last month when I posted it to a Facebook group for collecting reading challenges (for which I am a moderator). But after seeing two other bloggers sign up for this one, I decided to give it a go. It seems really fun and easy. 


If you’re new to the Picture Prompt Bingo – it’s a loosey goosey reading challenge in which you match books that you’ve read to one of the pictures on the bingo card. The key thing being that you can be as creative in your interpretation of the picture as you like.

For example, take the majestic snail in the top right corner: this could suggest to you a book that was a slow read, or a story about a character with no fixed abode; you may read something that has a snail on the cover, or the word ‘snail’ in the title; perhaps you’ll read a book about a small, overlooked lifeform or one with which communication doesn’t appear to be possible. As long as you’re happy with the connection you make between the book and the image, it’s all good.

  1. A heeled shoe decorated with a bow: Bluebeard--Kurt Vonnegut
  2. A microscope: Euphoria--Lily King
  3. A partially unrolled scroll and a pen: Persian Letters--Montesquieu
  4. A land snail:
  5. An old Roman coin: The Clue of the Gold Coin--Helen Wells
  6. A fern plant:
  7. A simple crown: Red Queen--Victoria Aveyard
  8. An armillary sphere:
  9. A seashell:
  10. A cannon on a gun carriage: Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker--Jennifer Chiaverini
  11. A harp (one of the big ones): XOXO--Axie Oh
  12. Two hands making a shadow puppet dog: Never Cry Werewolf--Heather Davis
  13. An old camera and tripod: Songs of Willow Frost--Jamie Ford
  14. A dog (a very good doggo):
  15. A beehive (with four bees flying around it):
  16. Fluffy cumulonimbus clouds:


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a cool way to show prompts!

Sandra Cox said...

This looks like fun and you've already got one marked off.