Friday, January 3, 2025

2025 Reading Challenge @ Blydyn Square Books

 I wasn't sure how many more I'd be signing up for, but I've been doing this one for several years now.

  1. By an author whose name has an initial(s):
  2. Animal name in the title:
  3. Nonfiction: Big Magic--Elizabeth Gilbert
  4. Published before 1980:
  5. Red cover or spine:
  6. Set in Europe:
  7. Biography or memoir: I Feel Bad About My Neck--Nora Ephron
  8. Written in first person: It's the End of the World and I'm in My Bathing Suit--Justin A. Reynolds
  9. Urban/city setting:
  10. With a love story: My Favorite Half-Night Stand--Christina Lauren
  11. Read at least once before:
  12. Child as a major character:
  13. Mentions weather (snow, rain, etc):
  14. One-word title: Nightcrawling--Leila Mottley
  15. With a happy ending:
  16. Book you've had on your TBR at least one year:
  17. Current bestseller:
  18. Won a major award:
  19. Blue cover or spine: Eleven--Tom Rogers
  20. Written for children's or YA audience:
  21. Author you've never read: The Blackbirds--Eric Jerome Dickey
  22. Book you find a little or a lot scary:
  23. A "classic" (whatever that means to you!): East of Eden--John Steinbeck
  24. Picture book
  25. Book that inspires you:

1 comment:

My name is Erika. said...

I like these. They leave a lot of choices for each one.