Friday, January 10, 2025

Playing Pickleball


Seeing this cartoon the other day made me want to bring up something that occurred this week. Our group at work met at a neighborhood park to play pickleball. The monthly staff meeting occurred this past Wednesday, since the first is a holiday. The meetings typically end at 1PM, allowing meeting time from 1 to 3.Our bosses and some of the clients and mentors then met at the park on the courts. 

This is not the first time our group has met to play pickleball. They've done this at least twice before on these monthly meeting days, including last August. I did not got then because the weather was so hot (and I don't work on Wednesdays). But there was another reason I'd chosen not to go then. I'd always been awful with playing handball games, often having a hard time in PE class because of that. But I decided to give it a go this month, and practiced playing for the fist hour we met. It took a while before I finally hit the ball, one of the things I'd often had trouble doing when trying to play tennis or other handball games. But I gave it my best shot, eventually hitting the ball several times, though not always in bounds.

I guess there's a first time for everything. Since it was my first time playing, I only played for an hour, but hope to try again soon.

While writing this post, I then remembered this video:

And then found this one:

Wow, they were hesitant to try, too. I felt the same way. Though I doubt I'll get way into it. I've never liked sports much, but this one seems fun. I do want to try again.


DrumMajor said...

I watched some folks play pickleball at my nearby community center. Seems they were leaning over and picking up the ball more than hitting it with the paddle. Linda in Kansas

Jamie Ghione said...

I did miss the ball more than I hit it, but it was still worth trying.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I know it's staggeringly popular, but I have no desire to try it, lol!

Liz A. said...

Pickleball kind of exploded, didn't it? I've never tried it. I liked tennis. Hitting the ball takes practice and patience. I had to be coached through that when I tried it as a kid. Pros make it look easy. It is not.

My name is Erika. said...

It's always good to try something new. I haven't played pickle ball. Did you have fun when you played and maybe more important, were your opponents serious players?