Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Writing Slump


I must confess I have not felt like writing anything lately. It seemed like I'd have more time when the pandemic hit, but I only did one writing then. I guess I was too depressed to do anything creative, even though I did do one. Still not feeling inspired. Every other Wednesday I do the writing class at work (including today), so I guess that's some done. And I keep trying to remember dreams for possible stories, but it just gets harder to try to remember them. Have any of you ever used a dream for stories? Something for another post, perhaps.

And it has been five years since I chose to begin my memoir. At first, I felt like it was too similar to what had already been written, namely the book that made me want to do it to begin with. It took others to convince me I had something of my own to tell, including this:

Write your experiences in your voice, from your point of view. It in observing and describing the little details of your day to day life that the picture emerges. The environment, your feelings, other people's comments or reactions. Think of what you write as looking at a series of photographs, that seen altogether tell a story. Your unique voice has value, no matter how the basic story has been told before. ... 

Well, as you who have regularly read my blog know, I did do it. Still can't believe it's been that long. 

Hoping to think of something..


Elephant's Child said...

I do hope your slump and your depression lift.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm a bit new to your blog. So did you write your memoir? I think this pandemic has hit us all in different ways. I know it has affected my writing as well. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

Jamie Ghione said...

Yes, I ddi write my memoir. I have also written a kids book set in the 1980s, called "You Can't Hide From the Teeth." Check my archives between 2016 and 2018 to see details about each one.

Sandra Cox said...

I think Covid has drained all of us of inspiration. I'm really fighting to keep trudging on my WIP.
I never remember my dreams long enough to write about them. Sigh.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope your day is filled with inspiration.